Revelation - Live Like You’re Leaving Preview of the Second Coming


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Presentation transcript:

Revelation - Live Like You’re Leaving Preview of the Second Coming

Revelation - Live Like You’re Leaving Preview of the Second Coming

Revelation - Live Like Your Leaving Preview of the Second Coming “Behold, He is Coming…” I. The Necessity v.7

Jesus repeatedly spoke of His return Mt. 16. 27; 24–25; 26:64; Mk. 8 Jesus repeatedly spoke of His return Mt.16.27; 24–25; 26:64; Mk.8.38; Lk.9.26 Jesus warned believers to be ready Mt.24.42,44; 25.13; Lk.12.40; 21.34–36

Why Christ Must Come: 1. The purpose of God requires that Jesus return 2. The purpose of Jesus requires His return 3. The guarantee of the Holy Spirit requires His return 4. God’s program for the Church requires His return 5. Christ’s program for the Church demands His return 6. God’s program for Israel demands His return 7. Christ’s humiliation demands His return 8. The judgment of Satan demands His return 9. The expectation of believers demands His return

The Promise of God Ge.49.10; Ps.2.6-9; Is.9.6-7; Je.23.5-8 Da.7.13-14,18; Ze.14.4-9; Ma.4.1-4;

The Promise of Jesus Re.2.16; 3.11; 22.7,12,20; “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” Jn.14.2–3

The Guarantee of the Holy Spirit I Co.1.4–8; Ph.3.20–21; Co.3.4; I Th.2.19; Ja.5.8; I Pe.1.13; I Jn.3.2;

God’s Program for the Church Following the Rapture, Christ will reward His church for its faithful service to Him: Ro.14.10; I Co.3.12–15; 4.5; II Co.5.10; Ph.1.6,10; II Ti.1.12,18; 4.8; Re.11.18

God’s Program for the Church (cont’d.) End of 7-year tribulation period, the glorified Church, the bride of Christ (Re.19.7–9; II Co.11.2; Ep.5.22–30), [Christ] will return in triumph with Him (Re.19.14; v.8) The Church will be vindicated before the unbelieving world, making it evident who truly belongs to the Lord (II Ti.2.19).

Christ’s Program for the Unbelieving Nations Ps.2 predicts a time when Christ will rule the nations did not take place at His first coming. Jl.3.1–2, 9–17; Is.11.1–5; Mi.4.1–8; Ze.3.8; Mt.25.31–46;

God’s Program for Israel God’s program for Israel demands that Christ return. Paul wrote, “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! … God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew” (Ro.11.1–2). God declared in the strongest terms that He would never permanently set aside Israel: Je.31.35–37; Je.33.25–26 In addition to continued existence as a nation, God promised Israel salvation, peace, prosperity, security, and a kingdom: Dt.4.30–31; Is.9.6–7; 11.11–12; 60.10–14; Je.23.5–8; 30–33; 46.28; Ez.36–37; 40–48; Da.9.20–27; 12.1–3; Ho.2.14–23; 3.4–5; 14.4–7; Jl.3.18–21; Am.9.8–15; Ob.17, 21; Mi.4.8; 7.14–20; Zp.3.14–20; Ze.13–14; Mt.19.28; Ac.1.6–7 Since those promises were not realized at Christ’s first coming, He must return to fulfill them.

Why Christ Must Come: 1. The purpose of God requires that Jesus return 2. The purpose of Jesus requires His return 3. The guarantee of the Holy Spirit requires His return 4. God’s program for the Church requires His return 5. Christ’s program for the Church demands His return 6. God’s program for Israel demands His return 7. Christ’s humiliation demands His return 8. The judgment of Satan demands His return 9. The expectation of believers demands His return

Revelation - Live Like Your Leaving Preview of the Second Coming “…with the clouds…” II. The Glory v.7

Revelation - Live Like Your Leaving Preview of the Second Coming ““…and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him.” III. The Scope v.7

Revelation - Live Like Your Leaving Preview of the Second Coming “Even so. Amen.” IV. The Response v.7

Revelation - Live Like Your Leaving Preview of the Second Coming “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” IV. The Certainty v.8

“Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.” II Ti.4.8

Revelation - Live Like You’re Leaving Preview of the Second Coming

Revelation - Live Like You’re Leaving