Troop 130 Menu Planning On A Budget How not to waste money and food!
Portions Ham Sandwich Food Item Qty Per Person Total Qty For Patrol 4 slices 32 slices Of 8 Cheese 2 slices 16 slices 2 Sandwiches Bread each Or Sandwich Rolls 2 each 16 rolls 1 pound of ham averages 16 slices Pre-packed cheese ranges 10-16 slices per package Buy these prepackaged or ask the deli for only the number of slices you need! A 1 pound loaf of bread is approx 17 slices
Sandwich Thins, Wraps, or Pita Pockets are better for trail meals
Drinks Absolutely no bottled drinks! Period! 32 bottled drinks weighs approximately 38lbs! Exception is milk, and ½ gallon is plenty! Powdered Drinks in moderation! Mix a batch to share! 1, 19 oz container of drink mix should make 32, 8oz servings – weighs a little over 1 lb 1, 20 oz container of hot chocolate mix makes 20 8 oz servings – weighs a little over 1 lb Always bring a filled water bottle
Pancakes & Waffles Never, ever buy Shake and Pour! Shake and Pour will cost you $6.90 for 30 pancakes Store brand complete will cost $1.50 for 69 pancakes Purchase store brand frozen waffles, not Eggos!
Shop Smart, Shop Within The Budget! Ask the deli to count the slices needed or read the labels to see how many servings in a package!
Scouts are supposed to do the shopping, not the parent – parents are the driver and also there to give guidance to ensure scouts make smart choices and stay with in the budget! Shop within your budget!! If it means the difference between going over or more cookies, leave the cookies behind! Absolutely under no circumstances are parents to subsidize the shopping! We are teaching Scouts to live within their means!
Always shop store brands, but compare prices for brand names on sale – don’t be fooled by the price – look for the best “per serving, per ounce” price at the store
Never shop without an exact list of what you need Item Exact quantities Don’t forget condiments – this is a time when smaller is better even if a little more expensive – stick with store brands here too! Need butter or spread? Look for the smallest, cheapest tub – this item goes a long way and giant “Country Crock” is over the top!
Read Flyers, Shop the Best Deals Avoid BJ’s, no one needs that much food unless shopping for the whole troop!
Shopping efficiently and within your budget will mean the difference between….