Redefining the Formula For Success: Evaluating Nestlé’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Heidi Bolduc, University of Central Florida HISTORY PEOPLE EVALUATION Swiss pharmacist Henri Nestlé (1866) Contributed to WWI & WWII efforts despite Switzerland’s neutral status Farine Lactee: combination of milk, wheat, and sugar to help combat infant mortality Employee Policies: Safety & Health Performance Management System Parental Support Policy (2016) Nestlé Green Paws Team Goal: “Maintaining a workplace environment that promotes safety, health, and equal opportunity” (Nestlé, 2014, p. 22). Positive CSR Elements: Rhetoric matches action CSR reports transparently presented Negative CSR Elements: Assymetrry between 3 CSR initiatives Need to improve on socially focused practies NESTLÉ TODAY 2,000 brands; 198 countries 335,000 employees More than $100 billion in revenue in 2014 97% of U.S. Households purchase Nestlé products PLANET REFERENCES Responsible Sourcing 96% of 445,000 tons of palm oil traceable across supply chain; however, only 10% responsibly sourced Responsible Sustainability 144 million gallons of water per year saved across 9 bottled water factories Zero waste to landfill status across 37 U.S. factories Chandler, D. & Werther, W.B. (2014). Strategic corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders, globalization, and sustainable value creation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Nestlé. (2014). Nestlé in the United States: Creating shared value report 2014. Furlong, H. (2015, October 7). Creating shared value: Nestlé USA achieves zero waste to landfill, makes 1,000 products more nutritious. Sustainable Brands. CREATING SHARED VALUE 3 CSR Initiatives: Nutrition, health, and wellness (14) Environmental Sustainability (13) Social Impact (4) 31 Total Commitments Pledged Global Reporting Initiative G4 Standards PROFIT CONTACT Nestlé Nutrition Foundation (NNF) Reduced sodium, sugar, and trans fat levels of 1,058 food and pet products in 2014 Willl remove all artificial colors and flavors from chocolate candy products by end of 2016 Heidi Bolduc, UCF Adjunct Professor