… in an ordered potential (but with Coulomb interactions) Electromagnetically exciting the Electron-Glass The case of microwaves radiation and ac fields …in a disordered potential … in an ordered potential (but with Coulomb interactions) …both… …frustration… interaction
The basic phenomena …slow relaxation… …quench the sample from high T… Unless otherwise mentioned; T=4K all samples are 2D and in the hopping regime Beryllium In2O3-x
…another way to get it out of equilibrium... electromagnetic radiation …zap it with light (AlGaAs LED, l=0.88mm …like changing gate voltage… …not all photons are born equal…
EC is set by the Coulomb interaction Out-of-equilibrium High energy, random distribution, conductance = high Slow relaxation Lower energy, correlated distribution, conductance = lower higher energy, correlated distribution, conductance = high Fast relaxation Equilibrated
…or raise bath-temperature by DT… …more ways to get it out of equilibrium... gate insulator sample …apply non-ohmic field F…(high voltage) …or raise bath-temperature by DT… …F and DT have qualitatively similar effect …
…origin of the MW-enhanced conductance?… is it heating?? gate insulator sample …the “memory-Dip (MD ) In2O3-x or InxO …MD shape may be used as a thermometer... DG is sub-linear with MW power P… DG is NOT-due to heating…
it’s “universal”… II I V R=V/I V II I G=I/V
…just non-Ohmicity controlled by: … and it’s trivial …just non-Ohmicity controlled by:
… temperature dependence... …but what about magnitude; how big should F be to account for DG/G ? (which may be of order 1)
eFx= akBT a=1 (Shklovskii) a=0.01-0.04 (experiment) … what they don’t want you to know... P doped Si Non-Ohmic Conductivity of Barely Localized Electrons in Three Dimensions T. F. Rosenbaum*, K. Andres and G. A. Thomas Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Solid State Communications, Vol.35, pp.663—666 r(T,F) a r(T)exp(eFL/kBT) Strongly-localized In203-x. films OBSERVATION OF ACTIVATIONLESS HOPPING CONDUCTIVITY IN STRONG ELECTRIC FIELDS O. Faran and Z. Ovadyahu Solid State Communications, Vol. 67, No. 8, pp. 823-826, 1988 eFx= akBT a=1 (Shklovskii) a=0.01-0.04 (experiment) Doped-Ge (nuclear-transmutation)
…but if DG is indeed just a non-Ohmic effect due to the ac field, where is the associated slow relaxation? …apply non-ohmic field F…(high voltage) …or raise bath-temperature by DT…
… there is slow relaxation... … but, it goes down with w...
… and is very small at the MW regime...
Hopping Conduction in the Presence of an Electromagnetic Wave BY I. P. ZVYAGIN