Chapter 20 Lesson 1
Новые слова восток - east гора (pl. горы) - mountain когда-нибудь - ever, sometime океан - ocean солнце - sun
Practice east mountain ever, sometime ocean sun
Interviews Link to Interview 1 Link to Interview 2
Intonation Link to 20-2
Новые слова Атлантический океан - Atlantic Ocean Тихий океан - Pacific Ocean Северный Ледовитый океан - Arctic Ocean озеро (pl. озёра) - lake остров (pl. острова) - island
Practice Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean lake island
Exercise 20-3 Link to 20-3
Grammar comment 20-1 Use НА for: -cardinal directions (north, south, etc.) -mountain ranges -islands -bodies of water Use В for: -continents -countries -cities -states
Points of the compass Север Запад Восток Юг
Into Russian North West East South
В или НА? море Россия США горы озеро Восток Италия океан Север Рим Калифорния Take out the specifics
Exercises 20-4: Look at the map of Russia, ask and answer based on the example. 20-5: Match the Russian and English. 20-6: Countries, continents, regions. Match each country to its continent or region. 20-7: People and countries. Link to 20-7
Review When do we use НА and В?
Review North West East South
Review Describe the location of Middlebury in broader and broader terms. Consider what state it’s in, what mountain ranges are nearby, what country it’s in, what part of the country, what continent it’s on, what countries surround it, what oceans surround it, and what planet it’s on. Your response should answer the following questions? В каком штате находится Мидлбери? Мидлбери находится на севере или на юге Вермонта? Какие горы находятся около Мидлбери? В какой стране находится Мидлбери? На каком океане находится Мидлбери?