Internet Safety Advice
What to look out for Your child is; • Being secretive. Closing browsing sessions quickly • Intense online use – angry when can’t get online • Receives/makes calls from/to unknown people • Having more than 1 phone/social media account • Defensive when talking about being online • Withdraws from family and real life friends • Receives gifts/packages from unknown people
What to do • No point in taking device off young person – will use someone else’s • Build an understanding of positive, loving relationships – sex isn’t top of the list! • Empower your children with knowledge, resilience and skills/strategies • Get involved, learn the technology • Keep yourself informed – read young people’s news –Newsbeat, The Huffington Post, Twitter • Be proactive
Websites with advice for Parents Guide to setting Parental Controls This website has guides for BT, Sky, Talk Talk, and Virgin Media. Parent's Guide to Technology The guide from the UK Safer Internet Centre answers frequently asked questions and introduces some of the most popular devices, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly. Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency’s website Run by CEOP this website has advice for parents of both primary and secondary age children as well as Run by nominet this website has advice for everyone including a comprehensive section for parents. A website which continually updates with resources, guidance and news relating to digital literacies, safeguarding and e-saftey. 01132403040 Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) UK Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online, for parents and schools
Partner Agencies working with children at risk of sexual exploitation 0113 2430036 Contact Isis (for girls) 0113 2444209 Contact The BLAST Project (for boys)
Social Networking Minimum age requirements Neopets none poptropica Club Penguin 6 Habbo Hotel 12 Instagram 13 Facebook Twitter Tumblr Formspring
Social Networking Advice An advice website for using social networking websites. Facebook’s section with tips for staying safe on Facebook. managing-your-facebook-privacy An always up-to-date guide to Facebook’s ever changing Privacy Settings. A Parent’s Guide to Facebook
Gaming Xbox Parental Controls Xbox One PlayStation Parental Controls llock.html PS3 PS4
Reporting Routes Empower yourself and your students to report content that you don’t think should be online. It’s the first step and even though it doesn’t always work it’s good to know that you have taken all the steps you can. Here are some info pages from some of the main players on how to report on their platform; Facebook Instagram Twitter Kik Snapchat