Bienvenidos…vamos a un viaje SENORA MICHAELS STANDARDS: Communication, Culture, Comparisons "We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race." --Kofi Annan
Introduction You are going to a Spanish-speaking country to study abroad for a semester.
TASK Write a postcard to your parents/family members from the Spanish-speaking city where you are studying in. Write your postcard in Spanish and design the postcard with landmarks from your current “home”.
PROCESS Research Spanish-speaking countries and cities Choose the place where you will study abroad Research your new “home” using the Resources page Answer the Country/Culture Fact Sheet Search for pictures on the web of major landmarks/points of interest in your city Write a rough draft of your postcard in Spanish (No translators!) Create and design the final version of your postcard using the pictures you found
National Geographic: People/Places RESOURCES Lonely Planet CIA Publications Currency Converter National Geographic: People/Places
EVALUATION Students will be evaluated on their completion of the country/culture fact sheet and their postcard (see rubric). Country/Culture Fact Sheet 20 points Postcard 30 points
Postcard Rubric 10-9 8-7 6-0 Spanish Language (grammar, spelling) Bien Asi Asi Mal Spanish Language (grammar, spelling) Little or no errors. Message was interesting and made sense. More than 2 errors in the body of the letter. Some difficulties with sentences. Many errors in the the body of the letter. Message was missing sentences or difficult to read. Design (use of resources) Nice use of resources documenting pictures of the country, culture, landmarks. Use of pictures, however, more effort is needed in the research of landmarks, country, etc. No evidence of research documenting country, culture, landmarks. Neatness Message was neat, lines were straight, pictures were neatly placed on the postcard. Body and design of postcard need to be arranged better. No effort was devoted to neatness.
CONCLUSION Now that you have studied abroad, you have learned about the geography, people, culture and language of a Spanish-speaking country. Compare/Contrast some things that you learned “Share our similarities, celebrate our differences." -- M.Scott Peck