Ysgol Dewi Sant Design Parameters & Options – 10th May 2017
Purpose of Meeting To explain work undertaken so far in relation to the development and decant proposals for the improvements to Ysgol Dewi Sant (St Davids School) To present and discuss the options explored for the redevelopment of the Ysgol Dewi Sant site. To present the Council’s preferred option Briefing and Options paper distributed at this meeting provides more detail of the various issues to be considered Next steps – relevant Governing Bodies to consider the information provided prior to resolving on the way forward
Recap on background to decisions September 2015: Pembrokeshire County Council and the St Davids Diocese commenced statutory consultation to discontinue Ysgol Dewi Sant, Ysgol Bro Dewi VA and Solva CP School and establish a new 3-16 Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School September 2016: Welsh Government approves statutory proposals for secondary reorganisation in Fishguard and St David’s and the approval in principal for capital investment. It should be noted that in the case of Voluntary Aided schools, capital investment is funded on the following basis: Governing Body and/or Diocese contribution = 15% Welsh Government contribution (from within 21C envelope) = 85%
Strategic case for change for St Davids Peninsula maintain or improve educational standards for learners, in terms of their academic achievements, the progress they make, and life chances and opportunities as they progress from education into training and employment; ensure an appropriate model for post 16 provision to achieve excellent standards and outcomes for all students at post 16 level and to widen life changes and opportunities they have as they progress towards further or higher education, employment and training; strengthen sustainable compulsory education provision in St Davids to improve education standards; address surplus places; address the condition and suitability of buildings
Strategic Aims for Ysgol Dewi Sant campus Asbestos Removal Target areas with the most extensive asbestos 21st Century Schools Standards Raising standards and performance in a 21st Century environment Capacity Reduce capacity to align with forecast figures Budget/Value for Money £4m
Design Parameters for Ysgol Dewi Sant campus £4m Budget to fund the strategic aims Deliver the construction programme within the window of opportunity of end July 2017 to end of July 2018. Safe guarding of children at all times. Ensuring that the school obtains full benefit of the budget available and providing a quality environment.
Building Condition Section 1-(staff/admin,circa1900’s) Minimal asbestos in ceiling panels and vinyl floors. Some damp areas and water ingress. Section 2-(hall/main classrooms, circa 1950) Modular style aluminium frame with ACM lining boards under a profile sheet roof or straw board flat roof. Extensive amount of asbestos. Over clad in MDF boards. Section 3-(Toilet areas, circa 1920) No asbestos present. Some deterioration in slated roof and areas of dampness Section 4-(demountable science blocks, circa 1970) Timber framed, over clad with vinyl coated steel profiled sheeting. Concern over the condition of the frame. Some asbestos at connection points. Section 5-(Tech Block, circa 1960) Metal framed structure with infill masonry brick walls. Felt flat roof. Some deterioration to the roof .
Site Constraints Limited site parking/ bus parking areas which in turn limits the contractors site set up. Access to Leisure Centre must be kept open for patrons. Residential properties to East and West Elevations. Site is narrow and difficult to extend. Main services are located to the front of the school.
Options Appraisal General Refurbishment Light refurbishment option throughout........ but no impact or transformation to school would not align with WG business case requirements Some on site de-canting into cabins required. Piecemeal contract, elongated timescale. under budget. Option discounted. Heavy refurbishment option throughout........ triggers costly sprinkler and Breeam funding requirements. would align with WG business case requirements More on site de-canting into cabins Heavy refurbishment of Section 2 is cost prohibitive. Piecemeal contract, elongated timescales. over budget Option discounted
Options Appraisal Targeted refurbishment with a new build element.... Aligns with WG business case requirements Aligns with PCC Strategies. Under budget (if de-canted off site) Over budget (if de-canted on site) Preferred option. New Build.... Large new build extensions-over budget Standalone new school–over budget Option discounted
Preferred Option Targeted refurbishment with a new build element To remove asbestos from Section 2 (Classroom Block)and demolish completely. Rebuild a new purpose built teaching block Remove Section 4 (Science Blocks) Refurbish and upgrade the toilet areas –Section 3. Refurbish existing kitchen areas and provide new Kitchen facilities. Improve external areas around Section 2
Option: Decant On Site Contractors Compound Revised parking areas for L.C. patrons Contractors Working Areas Access to Leisure Centre maintained Link from mobile classrooms to teaching block Temp mobile units New temporary Car Park
Option: Decant Off Site Access to Leisure Centre maintained Contractors Working Area Access to Leisure Centre maintained Contractors Compound (currently car/bus park)
Preferred Option Proceed with targeted refurbishment with new build option to provide.... 7 new classrooms 2 new science labs 1 new science studio Preparation rooms Social learning area Refurbished toilet areas Refurbished corridors New kitchen area. Additional shared toilet facilities Enlarged Art Classroom Enlarged technology room New store area in tech block Improve external areas Provide future capacity for expansion De-cant school away from YDS site.
Decant options Decanting of pupils considered to be an essential element of any option relating to investment at Ysgol Dewi Sant On site decanting is neither feasible nor affordable Consideration of off site decanting: Various locations around St Davids 14th Signals Base at Brawdy Ysgol Bro Gwaun Tasker Milward Refer to options paper for advantages/disadvantages of each, Tasker Milward considered as the preferred option
Workstreams identified if decision made to proceed with decant option Legal position of Tasker Milward and Picton Trust Property Issues Logistics of siting both schools on the Tasker Milward site Transport Arrangements for pupils HR Issues e.g. implications of relocating staff on a temporary basis Catering Arrangements Safeguarding
Workstreams identified if decision made to proceed with decant option Management arrangements including - Memorandum of Understanding between Tasker Milward and Ysgol Dewi Sant - Timetabling - Use of shared facilities and resources - Financial implications
Workstreams identified if decision made to proceed with decant option Identify any building maintenance issues IT Network Decanting arrangements including associated costs Communication with staff, parents and pupils of Tasker Milward and Ysgol Dewi Sant
Ground Floor- Tasker Milward/Dewi Sant
First Floor-Tasker Milward/Dewi Sant
Second Floor-Tasker Milward/Dewi Sant
Question and Answer Session