Unit 2 – Care values Describe what is happening in this picture – is this good or bad care? Unit 2 Care values
Unit 2 – Care values Describe what is happening in this picture – is this good or bad care? Unit 2 Care values
Person-centred approach Respect for the individual Care values Duty of care Confidentiality Values that underpin health and social care practice Person-centred approach Dignity Safeguarding Respect for the individual Unit 2 Care values
When care goes wrong.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27128011 Watch the video and make a note of everything that you see that you think is ‘wrong’. What do you think the care workers should have done? Link what you see to the care values in your book. You will need your notes later so keep them neat! Unit 2 Care values
Key terms… Use page 32 to find the meaning of the following key terms and write these neatly into your book Values Beneficence Underpin Unit 2 Care values
1. Confidentiality Unit 2 Care values
What information do you put on here?
Read the following list and write down the statements you think are correct Confidentiality means: not discussing one individual with another only discussing information with someone who can keep a secret not sharing verbal information without permission only sharing information which is not important storing written and electronic records securely not sharing written information without permission discussing information once you have left work because the residents cannot hear what you say. Compare your answers with others in your group. Do you all agree? Are there any differences?
2. Dignity Unit 2 Care values
Dignity – care value 2 Arrival activity: Write down which of the following you would be comfortable with… (Higher level – explain why!) Having a bath in front of a stranger Brushing your teeth in front of a friend Being dressed by a nurse or doctor Being rushed when eating a meal Using the toilet when someone can hear you (not see you). Unit 2 Care values
Dignity - in eating Copy the flow chart into your books (you might need more boxes than this). Write a guide on how to feed someone who cannot feed themselves. Don’t forget to add in ‘check if they are ok’!! Unit 2 Care values
List some examples of times when you would need to be aware of the need for dignity Helping someone to go to the toilet Bathing Dressing How could you ensure dignity is maintained doing these tasks? Complete the dignity check table…..
Dignity – Care value 2 Situation Actions to protect dignity Personal care task such as bathing Supporting someone to complete a task A service user who has had an accident A service user needs to use the toilet An old lady who cannot hear very well and may be embarrassed Unit 2 Care values
3. Respect for the individual Unit 2 Care values
Respect for the individual – care value 3 Arrival activity What are the worst words we can think of to use when addressing someone??! How could we show respect when addressing someone? Unit 2 Care values
Respect for the individual – care value 3 Write what is meant by the following: Respect Discriminate Appropriate terms Offence Unit 2 Care values
4. Safeguarding and duty of care Unit 2 Care values
Safeguarding and duty of care Copy figure 2.1 into your books but leave some room by each point. As we discuss them in more detail you will need to write an example next to each one. Unit 2 Care values
5. Person – centred care Unit 2 Care values
Person-centred care – Care value 5 Arrival activity On the piece of paper in front of you, write Your favourite song ever The best thing to have with baked beans What age you were when you learned to swim You now have 30 seconds to find someone with 1, 2 or 3 answers the same as you! Unit 2 Care values
I’ll decide what’s best for you! What to wear today When is bed time What time to go to the toilet No, I’ll decide!! How you will eat your dinner Unit 2 Care values
Person-centred care – Care value 5 The important bits…. A way of delivering health and care that puts the individual at the centre of the activity. The individual is involved in every part of the care planning, their likes and dislikes are taken into account. Unit 2 Care values
Unit 2 Care values