Citizens’ Report March 2015 Introduce self Thank the chair person for the opportunity to speak Remind audience that the presentation is 15 – 20 minutes in length The presentation objectives are: Remind the audience that this is a conversational opportunity. They should feel free to inject at anytime. Acknowledge in the presentation any members of the TPB, TAC, PAC, or PSC. Each packet will include the names and titles of the PAC, TAC, PSC, TPB member(s) at the event. This information should also be added to the Speaker’s notes on the first slide. Invite people to ask questions or share their thoughts about transportation in the region, any information they read on the posters, hear in the presentation or see in the handouts. Be sure and remind folks of the objectives of the session. Remind them we are here to get information from them and learn. Citizens’ Report March 2015
The document is a draft and will be finalized with the technical version in July 2015 Repeat the reminder that one of the objectives is to get feedback to inform the process The Citizens’ Report is a non technical document to share the process and the outcomes of the plan development process for the metropolitan transportation plan. The presentation is not an overview of the process but highlights of the outcomes hoped for in the plan
MOVE 2040 25-year planning horizon Performance-based planning Broad input MOVE 2040 is a look over the transportation system for the next 25 years. It shows what are existing conditions, what the system may be in 2040, and shows the actions to be taken to get to that 2040. It lists the projects to be undertaken, the planning initiatives to complete, the technologies to apply and the transportation policies to be used to guide future decision making.
Safe Landing & Checkout FOUR-PHASE PROCESS Ask for Directions Map the Route Final Approach Safe Landing & Checkout The plan was developed using a four phase process We are I the third phase. Completing a draft plan for public and decision maker review prior to finalizing the plan in July 2015
TRANSPORTATION: The Circulatory System Thriving Businesses Moving People Moving Goods Transportation is about moving people and goods. An efficient, safe, well maintained coordinated set of transportation networks that provide access and accessibility for the activities of businesses , residents and visitors to a metropolitan area contribute to a healthy growing metropolitan area
CURRENT CONDITIONS Well-developed road/bridge network Good overall condition Able to accommodate new growth Ease of vehicular travel Transit service requires attention The overall condition of the road and bridge network is good. The current road network can absorb all the growth projected during the 25 year period of MOVE 2040 There is little to no congestion on the transportation system now or projected through 2040 Transit service requires attention. The current system operates primarily within the City of Wichita
CHALLENGES FACING OUR SYSTEM Maintenance More transportation choices More regional focus Limited funds availability While the portions of the system receiving federal or state funds is in good shape for the most part. Continuing maintenance to keep the current conditions will be challenging. Participants in the previous outreach activities have often mentioned the desire for more choices beyond their person vehicles for some trip making Funds are projected to be less available and have less buying power over the planning period When project solicitation occurred $668 million in requests were received. The projected revenue during this same period was $154 million
DRIVERS Air Quality Changing Demographics Globalization Regional Significance Technology The issues facing the region include: Air Quality – the region is likely to be found not in compliance with the ozone standards Changing demographics – The system must accommodate the evolving needs of the aging population that is unlike any before it and balance with the need to have a system that attracts and retains the millennials. Regional Significance – Limited funds will drive decisions to be assessed with more attention to how large portions of the metropolitan area can benefit in addition to those businesses and residents proximate to the transportation investment Technology – Applications to inform about traffic conditions, vehicle conditions, alternative routes are rapidly changing and the future system must be able to accommodate the applications
VISION To provide a regional multimodal transportation system that is safe, permits equitable opportunity for its use, and advances the region’s ongoing vitality through cost conscious strategic investments.
INVESTMENT STRATEGY Focus on preservation Functionality of transportation networks Choices & Connectivity Technology “Live within our means”
STRATEGY ELEMENTS: Funding Assumptions Flat or declining growth in most revenue sources Significant decline in buying power (4%/year) No new actions to increase revenue sources Federal funds will not change Revenue partnerships with private and non-profit organizations
FILTERS – PROJECT SELECTION Preservation & Maintenance Regional Significance Equity
This is a map of the projects that will be funded using WAMPO’s annual funding allocation of funds Pink 2019 – 2025 time band Blue 2026 – 2040 time band
This map shows projects that will be funded from non WAMPO funds This map shows projects that will be funded from non WAMPO funds. These include funds from the state of Kansas, KDOT sharing with cities and counties funds from the federal government and projects being funded in part or solely from local resources ( e.g. sales taxes, property taxes, development related funds)
Safe Landing & Checkout FOUR-PHASE PROCESS Ask for Directions Map the Route Final Approach Safe Landing & Checkout The plan was developed using a four phase process We are I the third phase. Completing a draft plan for public and decision maker review prior to finalizing the plan in July 2015
PROGRESS – WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? Report Content Reporting Frequency This slide should introduce the discussion of progress reporting and what they would like provided as a report Be sure and remind folks of the objectives of the session. Remind them we are here to get information from them and learn. Help them generate ideas about the progress reporting. If they get stuck, ask them “What do you want to know about how things get in and around this area?” Suggest to them that the progress reports are like a report
Potential Report Mechanisms Biannual State of the System Report Dashboard Progress Report Bi annual State of the System Report – distributed in hard copy to interested parties, included on WAMPO website and a narrative video reviewing the results Reports the status of the performance measures Outcomes of planning studies Special initiatives undertaken by Planning Partners Air Quality Conformity status Environmental impacts and changes Dashboard - On MOVE 2040 website factual reporting on performance measures updated every two years Stand - alone Progress Report – distributed in hard copy to the Transportation Policy Body, the Technical Advisory Committee and interested parties. Will be provided at milestones determined by the Transportation Policy Body Report on the status of the performance measures Environmental Impacts and changes All matters identified as findings in the US Department of Transportation Certification Review
Survey Short survey 5 – 7 minutes to complete Confidential Ask the audience to complete the survey Remind audience and others that the responses will be completely confidential
Next Steps Complete Outreach April 30, 2015 Transportation Policy Body considers feedback Adopt MOVE 2040 July 2015 Outreach is March 16 – April 30, 2015 Comments will be shared with decision makers for their consideration WAMPO staff will be out after the adoption with the results of the deliberation a final plan with recommended actions and the progress report actions.
PHASE FOUR: Safe Landing & Check Out Implement Policy and action recommendations Implementation of program and planning initiatives
Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Thank you! Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 445 N. Main - 10th Floor - Wichita, KS 67202-1688 316.352.4862