IB Middle Years Program Personality Project Taft High School Class of 2019 Ms. Chander
The personal project encourages “YOU” to practice and strengthen your Approaches to Learning Skills (self management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration), to connect classroom learning engagements with personal experience, and to develop your own interests for lifelong learning.
IB MYP Personal Project Aims Encourage and enable YOU to: participate in a sustained, self directed inquiry within a global context generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time communicate effectively in a variety of situations demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of, learning appreciate the process of learning and take pride in your accomplishments.
IB MYP Global Contexts The following global contexts direct learning towards independent inquiry. Identities and relationships Orientation in space and time Personal and cultural expression Scientific and technical innovation Globalization and sustainability Fairness and development MYP PP Handbook Page 14
Personality Project Overview The Personal Project is a year long “YOU PROJECT” meaning it is an independent exploratory experience in which “YOU” are being given the opportunity to show off what YOU CAN DO. The complete minimum time requirement is 25 hours although most Taft students surpass this early on since they are LOVING THE PP (Personality Project). “YOU” will also be assigned a supervisor to oversee your independent exploratory experience.
What are the 3 components of the Personal Project? MYP PP Handbook Page 5 # 1 The process “YOU” follow. # 2 The product or outcome “YOU” create. # 3 The report or presentation “YOU” make that explains what you have done and learned.
MYP Personal Project Examples but not limited to Artwork Models Business plans Campaigns Blueprints Investigative studies Scientific experiments Performances Fieldwork Narrative essays Courses of study or learning engagements Films Computer programmes
How do I begin the Personal Project? Be YOU tiful !! Begin your process journal to document your journey from beginning to end. Brainstorm and identify a topic. Identify ONE Global Context to establish relevance and significance. Decide on a challenging yet realistic, goal that YOU can accomplish. MYP PP Handbook Page 6
YOU demonstrate research skills. Criterion B: Planning Assessment Criteria Description Criterion A: Investigating YOU define a clear goal and global context for your project, based on your own personal interests. YOU identify prior learning and subject specific knowledge relevant to your project. YOU demonstrate research skills. Criterion B: Planning YOU develop criteria for your product/outcome. YOU plan and record the development process of your project. YOU demonstrate self management skills. Criterion C: Taking Action YOU create a product/outcome in response to the goal, global context, and criteria. YOU demonstrate thinking skills. YOU demonstrate communication and social skills. Criterion D: Reflecting YOU evaluate the quality of the product/outcome against the criteria. YOU reflect on how completing the project has extended your knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context. YOU reflect on the development as IB learners through the project. MYP PP Handbook Page 15
Successful Personal Project Journey Hints Thank your English II teachers for their enormous support. Pick a topic YOU as a global citizen will love exploring. Greet your supervisor with a one minute introduction about yourself and always be prepared at all your meetings. Always stay ahead and remember it’s YOU showing off YOUR approaches to learning skills on a topic of YOUR choosing. HAVE FUN !! Ms. Chander is here for YOU in Room 264.