and the Spanish American War Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War
Imperialism America was finally getting established as a world power and envied the imperialism of European nations. Imperialism was encouraged by the idea that some groups of people are superior to others, in this case, white Anglo-Saxon Christians. Europeans had been spreading their ideas and way of life all over the globe as they colonized and occupied all over the world. Americans began to spread the same ideas and beliefs.
Imperialism Portugal, Spain, England, Germany, France, Russia and the Netherlands all had global possessions.
We want some colonies! We are the last to enter the game and there isn’t much left for us to take. Spain is a weak shadow of its former empire. 16th century empire We want some of Spain!
Map Activity Find and outline Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines on your map. Which area do you think we’ll go after first? CUBA-which had been fighting for its independence from Spain for decades. Men like José Martí travelled North and South America trying to raise awareness of the struggle in Cuba. José Martí, the leader of the fight for Cuban independence.
Spanish action When the rebellion got really heated in 1895, General Valeriano Weyler was called in to stop the revolt. He moved 300,000 Cubans to “Reconcentration Camps” where many starved or were beaten.
Newspapers get involved Our newspapers get involved. Newspapers begin carrying really emotional and incendiary articles and materials to get people interested in intervention. On an American ship called the Olivette, that was travelling to America from Havana, two young women who were thought to be rebels were searched. This is the image in William Randolph Hearst’s papers. In reality, the ladies were searched in private by a woman, and were Hispanic, so they were a lot darker. Why do you think Hearst chose to portray it like this?
"Who Destroyed the Maine?", New York Journal. February 17, 1898.
"Lieut. Blandin's Story of the Disaster," The World, February 18th 1898.
The real report? On Feb. 15, 1898, following the explosion on the USS Maine, the ship’s commanding officer Captain Sigsbee wrote the following message: “Maine blown up in Havana Harbor at nine-forty tonight and destroyed. Many wounded and doubtless more killed or drowned. Wounded and others on board Spanish man-of-war and Ward Line steamer. Send lighthouse tenders from Key West for crew and the few pieces of equipment above water. No one has clothing other than that upon him. Public opinion should be suspended until further report. All Spanish officers, including representatives of General Blanco, now with me to express sympathy.”
Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism is a concept that started at this time. It is a term used to describe news reporting that is questionable because it does not adhere to basic journalistic rules on reporting Seek truth and report it Use reliable sources Don’t exaggerate Act independently of any political or economic influence The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public. Minimize harm Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect. Be Accountable and Transparent Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one's work and explaining one’s decisions to the public. Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics
Yellow Journalism- How to Spot it scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.
Your Assignment Look at news stories on the web, on news papers, and find examples of Yellow Journalism that follow all or most of those five rules. Bring in at least two examples. Be prepared to tell us which of the 5 points they follow.
The Growth of America AS a World Power.