Exploring the landscape Christopher Columbus is famous for his trip in 1492, when he discovered America. He was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. His real name was Christoforo Columbo. He married a Portuguese woman, Felipa Perestrello e Moniz, around 1480 and they had a son, Diego. When his wife died, he and his son moved to Spain. He believed the world was round. While he was trying to reach Asia, he found America. On August 1492, he sailed from a port in the South of Spain towards the West. There were about 90 men in his three ships: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa María. He and his sailors crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, on 12 October 1492, they landed on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. Colombus named the island San Salvador (The Bahamas). He discovered Cuba in a second voyage, and also the islands of Jamaica, Guadeloupe and Puerto Rico. Finally, in a third voyage, he discovered South America.
Exploring the landscape