Ubiquitous Mobility for Portland UB Mobile PDX
All Options = Maximum Freedom UB Mobile will be a whole ecosystem of data, data sharing, and infrastructure management, but let’s focus on the user end for a moment. Goes beyond what we have today where you can get transit directions, pay transit fare and deep link to some services like Lyft and car2go and bike share Will be talking about Ride Tap at the Peer Exchange tomorrow if you want to learn more The web interface and app will connect people to ALL transportation options with information like travel time, cost, environmental effect. All options means maximum freedom and maximum opportunity.
UB Mobile PDX Provides New Features When we talk about freedom, we need to make sure we’re thinking about everyone. Part of our proposal was to make sure we are including information germane to people with disabilities, leveraging new information we are getting integrated into OpenStreetMaps through crowdsourced information that includes microscale elements of the built environment like curb ramp conditions and putting tha tin an open platform that can be integrated into APIs
Mobility Marketplace Bridge the digital divide Great partnership with City of Portland. But this is going to enable innovation in the private sector and go beyond what we can think of. With open data available the marketplace can respond Mobility as a service – bus pass, bike share and a few Transportation Network Companies (TNC) rides meet all needs for the month Mobility service providers who give people the confidence to not buy that extra car because their needs are met
UB Mobile PDX gets smarter with every use
Demonstration Corridors in Underserved Areas of City Serving those who have been left behind Demonstration Corridors in Underserved Areas of City People Technology Access (devices and data/wifi) and Training Targeted Outreach, Engagement and Marketing
Transit and Transportation Equity Service and Service Area with Low-Income Population Service and Service Area with Minority Population Linger here- says Catherine. Stop and point out what people are seeing in this slide. Explain it.
Workforce Development Smart Jobs in a Smart City
Electrification “Route Map” Long-term fleet transition strategy and timeline Route and rate modeling Facility design and power infrastructural needs Total cost of ownership Future trends Innovative finance and OEM/utility partnerships Develop an “Electrification Route Map and Transition Plan” which articulates the strategy and timeline for transitioning from petroleum-based fuels to a zero emission fleet over time. Needs to address a number of complex issues, including: Route modeling and needs assessment to understand the type(s) of electric-drive transit buses that would be most effective for TriMet’s routes (i.e., battery electric, extended range battery electric), as well as the type of fueling options that would most effectively serve the TriMet operations and service profile (i.e., overnight battery charging, on-route battery charging) Rate Modeling and demand analysis to assess utility and infrastructure requirements to support the selected bus technology and charging profiles Prioritization and phasing for route and facility conversion, accounting for available space, operating logistics, labor considerations, electricity cost rate modeling, and charging technology choices (power levels and charge duration) Analysis of fleet replacement schedules Assessment of current and future technology options, including a focus on trends in energy storage technology and expected cost curves Total Cost of Ownership modeling to inform timing and scale of TriMet and partner investments Performance and cost-effectiveness thresholds for larger shifts to electric buses Exploration of innovative financing strategies to expedite the transition, including utility or vehicle OEM ownership of energy storage technology with lease
Moving Forward: OTP-SUM Advancing core IT elements of UB Mobile PDX Integrated open source platform for shared use mobility (TNCs, bike share) and transit Intermodal trip planning and real-time info First and last mile Enhanced accessibility info Future payment integration TriMet’s OTP SUM project, in combination with the collaborative applications being submitted by VTA and VTrans (see Attachments 3 and 4) will create a complete open platform for the integration of transit and shared-use mobility options. The open data, software and user-interfaces, responsive on both web and mobile, will help customers make informed decisions about their mobility choices, including the critical first and last miles of transit trips where a bus or train alone doesn’t provide full access. Extend the Open Trip Planner code base to support the integration of transit trip planning with shared-use mobility modes, such as bike share and transportation network companies (TNCs), as well as updated real-time transit information. Development of a comprehensive new web-based user interface that will allow TriMet riders and other travelers in the region to make intermodal trip plans including shared use mobility and demand-responsive service. Improvements to basemap data so the trip planner can support enhanced pedestrian/ wheelchair accessibility information for customers; and improvements to regional address data that will make location search and geocoding more effective, efficient and user-friendly. Design and implementation of compatibility for future booking and payment options in moovel’s RideTap product so customers can plan and pay for their trips in one app.