Air Quality Emission inventories


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Presentation transcript:

Air Quality Emission inventories

What is an Emission Inventory? Atmospheric emissions inventory is a compilation of all sources of air pollution within an area

Why Emission Inventory? Air quality assessment Evaluating the sources Air Quality Management Abatement strategy Measure trends over time

Detailed description of an inventory: Geographic area (geographic domain for the inventory) Pollutants (purpose the inventory) Source Categories (Anthropogenic/Natural sources) Modelling (Geographically/time resolution, Pollutant species) Spatial resolutions Temporal resolution (variability of emissions over time) Speciation (Disaggregates into indiv. chemical comp.or groups) Base year (reference year)

Two different approaches: a) top-down inventory Activity statistics (consumption,production,vehicle type etc) Population statistics, land-use and emission factors Detailed information about location not required

Two different approaches: b) bottom-up inventory Detailed knowledge of source types and locations Specific emissions for individual sources Consumption and or production data using emission factors

Emission Inventory Module Geographical Information System (GIS) Calculation of Emission Modeling   Point Sources Line Sources Area sources Industry Stacks Consumption Emission Emission factors Time variation Static road data (Geography, road classification) Dynamic traffic data Emission factors Time variation Consumption Emission Source sector Fuel Emission factors Time variation

Emission Inventory Features Emission inventory Lookups Point emission Line emission Area emission  

Emission inventory lookup data Fuels Source sectors Time variations  

Cleaning Device and cleaning efficiency Process data Point Source data Owners Industries Stack data Cleaning Device and cleaning efficiency Process data Process emission data Process consumption and emission factor data  

Concept of the Point Source Industry   Stack Stack Cleaning device Cleaning device Process Process

Point Sources - Input Data Industries Stacks Cleaning devices Processes Processes emission/consumption data Fuels Time variations Source sectors Emission factors  

Line Sources Vehicle emissions from road transport are provided for sections along the line of the road  

Line source data Traffic lookup data Road node definition Static data Vehicle classes Road classes Time variation Road node definition Static data Dynamic data Road link vehicle distribution Traffic emission factors  

Concept of Line Sources ROAD LINK DATA: ID NAME GRADIENT (%) LENGTH DIRECTION LANE WIDTH ROAD CLASS ADT SPEED Lane 2 Width ADT Speed   End node Sub nodes Lane 1 Width ADT Speed Lane direction 1 (start to end) Start node

Line Sources - Input Data Traffic look up data Road classes Vehicle classes Geography Road nodes Sub nodes Static traffic data Road links description Dynamic traffic data Speed Annual daily traffic Emission factors/dependencies  

Traffic Emission Factors Select the factor set year Emission calculation vehicle classes (ECVC) Emission calculation vehicle classes – Registration vehicle class Distribution Average fuel consumption Basic and averaging factors Speed dependency factors Road gradient factors NO2 percentage of NOx PM10 data  

Area Sources Smaller or more diffuse sources of pollution (home heating, public services etc.) are provided on an area basis either for administrative areas, such as counties, municipality etc, or for regular grids.  

Concept of Area Sources   Area sources Regions ID Emission/Consumption Value Emission factors

Area Sources Stationary combustion Process emissions and evaporation: Consumption dataset for combinations of source sectors and fuel Emission factors for different components for the same combinations Process emissions and evaporation: Emission dataset for combinations of source sectors and components  

Regions (polygons) and grids Fuels/components Source sectors Area Sources -Input Regions (polygons) and grids Fuels/components Source sectors Time Variations Consumption or emission data Emission factors  


Build Emission Inventory Database Exercise Check that all the components needed are predefined. If not, import missing components. Import following data Source sectors Time variations

Time Variations Factors for scaling annual emissions/consumptions to weekly, daily,hourly or half hourly emissions Hierarchical structure (sub-time variations) Specific validity period (1995, w1-w52 etc) Sum of factors for all time steps is 1.0 Sub-factors are multiplied to find the most detailed factor  

Point source emission: Import Owner and Address register Import Industry register Import Stack data Import Process Data Import Process Consumption and Emission

Emission Inventory Exercise How many industries are located in ”KPIZ”? How many processes have source sector 1102, what it is? Is there any cleaning devices in the project? How many stacks is connected to the industry 200301, EMAL? How many processes are connected to stack 20020101? What type of data are connected to the processes? Which components or fuels is used? Is there any emission factors for these processes?

Emission Inventory Exercise Create a new industry and a stack for the industry. Add physical parameters for the stack. The data provided by the industry is consumption of 25000 ton/year oil for a boiler. Consumption emission factor for the boiler is 10 kg SO2 pr ton coal.

Area source emission: Import area source datasets for gridded emissions Import gridded emission data

Check the imported data by: Number rows imported Random sample test Total amount of emissions, if number and locations are correct

Traffic source emission: Import Time variation Import Road class Import vehicle class Import road notes Import static traffic data Import dynamic traffic data Import vehicle distribution Import traffic emission factors

Check the imported data by: Number rows imported Random sample test Road note and road links on GIS