Present tense of regular ER and IR verbs
What ER verbs should we know? comer- beber- asistir- leer- aprender- correr- creer – comprender - to eat to drink to attend to read to learn to run to believe to understand
What IR verbs should we know? escribir- compartir- abrir- decidir- recibir- vivir- to write to share to open to decide to receive to live
How do we conjugate ER and IR verbs in the present tense? Regular ER and IR verbs are conjugated the same except in the Nosotros and Vosotros forms. Ejemplo: nosotros bebemos nosotros escribimos
Step 1: Drop the ER or IR ending Ejemplo: beber - beb comer - com escribir - escrib
Step 2: add the appropriate ending o emos/ imos es éis / ís e en
Ejemplos: correr “to run” corro corremos corres corréis corre corren
Ejemplo: compartir “to share” comparto compartimos compartes compartís comparte comparten
Práctica: write the conjugated verb in Spanish We sell They eat She drinks I recieve You write You all live vendemos comen bebe recibo escribes viven vender comer