Rain stick Time: 10 minutes MateriaLs STEPS Cardboard Tape Pebbles/beads Use cardboard tube or roll up a piece or cardboard/cardstock and secure with tape Cover base of roll with cardboard and tape Fill stick with pebbles or beads. Cover top of rain stick with more cardboard and secure with tape Tools Scissor Tips & Tricks To change this flyer, replace our sample content with your own. If you'd rather start from a clean slate, press the New Slide button on the Home tab to insert a new page. Now enter your text in the empty placeholders. Only put the pebbles/beads in once you have covered the bottom of your rain stick! It’ll make it harder to do this step last. BONUS Rain sticks are thought to have originated with the Aztecs, and used to bring rainstorms. They were made or dried cacti.