The New Performance Appraisal Tool for RCs and UNCTs Introducing the ARC: The New Performance Appraisal Tool for RCs and UNCTs March 2016
Learning objectives Understand the key elements of the ARC Facilitate Goal setting Provide guidance on how to write goals and indicators that are SMART
Key uses of the ARC For results oriented planning for the team As a meaningful tool to give and receive feedback As an important input into your performance appraisal process and development plan
Mutual accountability of Results
Key features of the ARC Assesses results and competencies in one electronic platform Consolidates feedback on how the RC and each UNCT member contributed towards UNCT goals Fosters mutual accountability for agreed measurable goals Focuses on RC’s leadership to achieve the 5 mutually agreed team goals and individual UNCT member’s contribution to those goals Same five results for the UNCT, RC and UNCT members with differentiated indicators for each Offers flexibility on the formulation of goals and adjust them if country and operational context changes, explaining cause for adjustment Integrates appraisals of RCs who are also HCs, DOs and DSRSGs
Key features of the ARC Uses the most current definitions of RC competencies and aligns with functional responsibilities in the RC JD Flexible in that it provides for an informal UNCT light mid-term review as needed Process is streamlined: Provision of feedback is limited based on direct experience of colleagues achievement of results and display of competencies Creates a performance feedback report for the RC which serves as a key input into the RC appraisal Provides performance feedback reports for individual team members as a key input to their respective evaluations by their agency Regional Director Provides performance feedback report on the performance of the team as an entity
Goals and Indicators Goals and indicators will be written in an offline template while the tool is developed online UNCT agrees on 5-6 measurable Goals, one in each of the 5 categories. If necessary, there is the flexibility to add one more Goal in any of the categories. UNCT agrees on 2-3 indicators that as UNCT will describe the evidence that will ensure achievement of the Goal RC and UNCT members provide 1-3 indicators for each of the 5-6 Goals to specify their individual contribution towards UNCT Goals.
Definitions A GOAL is an aim, an intention, a desired end or target, an achievement toward which effort is directed. Goals are statements describing what we want to achieve toward the UN priorities in a country. Addressing priorities prevents from writing goals that may be about important activities such as hiring more staff or reorganizing the RC office, but which do not advance the mission of the UN in a country. INDICATORS make goals SMART, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound. Indicators describe the evidence that will ensure achievement of the Goal.
Poor Sample Goals and Indicators Poor Sample Goal: “The UNDAF will be assessed and implementation gaps documented.” Poor Sample Indicator: “UNDAF review conducted with Government of ------.” Poor Sample Goal: “The capacity of the RCO will be enhanced and an effective support will be provided for the implementation and monitoring of the country team’s activities.” Poor Sample Indicator: “New addition to staff strengthens capacity for implementation and monitoring of country team activities.”
Good Sample Goal and Indicators Human Rights Advocacy UNCT Strategic Goal: The UNCT advocates for fundamental UN values expressed in the Charter, including respect for and protection of human rights. Indicators: UNCT (as an entity): The UNCT takes principled and value-driven positions to advocating human rights issues in the country. RC: The RC ensures a coordinated UN approach of UNCT advocacy on human rights in line with human rights strategy and targets. UNCT member: The UNCT member advocates for national adherence to international human rights norms and standards as a common UN value in his/her dialogue with national actors.
Good Sample Goal and Indicators Strategic Partnerships UNCT Strategic Goal: The UNCT supports the Government in engaging and mobilizing a network of strategic partnerships around national priorities in support of the 2030 Agenda/SDGs. Indicators: UNCT (as an entity): New strategic partnerships at the national level in support of the SDGs are established, including a strategic partnership roadmap; increased public-private partnerships to leverage the investment potential of business. RC: The RC leads the UNCT to develop a strategic partnership roadmap with government, relevant stakeholders and partners to support the national priorities for achieving the 2030 Agenda/SDGs. UNCT member: The UNCT member brings a number of strategic partnerships through the establishment of agreements around the national priorities in support of the 2030 Agenda/ SDGs. [Note: To be customized by each individual UNCT member]
Good Sample Goal and Indicators Compliance with UNSMS policies and standards UNCT Strategic Goal: The UNCT complies with UNSMS security policies and standards. Indicators: UNCT (as an entity): The UNCT ensures full and timely implementation of relevant UNSMS security policies and adherence to UNSMS security standards by all organizations and personnel. RC (if he/she is the DO): The RC/DO monitors and ensures that the goals of the UN Security Management System (SMS) are fully met in his/her country. UNCT member: The UNCT member promotes and monitors a culture of compliance with UNSMS security policies and standards among his/her agency’s personnel in the country.