Principles of Good Governance Presentation to Sheridan College Senate October 27 , 2016
Principles of Good Governance Unique Nature of Academic Governance Membership Roles / Responsibilities Nature of Meetings Evaluation Presentation to cover five broad topics. Principles identified generally apply to both Boards and Senates, but some actions / practices / approaches may be specific to one or the other body.
Principles of Good Governance Unique nature of academic governance: Autonomy and accountability Respect for academic mission Academic freedom and responsibility Meaningful stakeholder participation – recognize and respect legitimate roles of various individuals and groups Diverse representation of members Governance as mechanism of accountability to the many publics to which postsecondary institutions are accountable: faculty, staff, students, alumni, broader community (including government funders). Elaborate on protecting and respecting academic freedom. Expand on meaning and importance of diversity. Structures and processes of academic governance reflect the fundamental values of the institutions: collegial, consultative and inclusive decision-making. Ongoing and growing pressures on postsecondary institutions – requirement on governance to be both agile and stable: Quality of process – respect and align interests of University’s many stakeholders Clear decision-making frameworks Clarity of roles Ethical framework
Principles of Good Governance Membership Fiduciary responsibilities Engagement of all stakeholder groups Independence, credibility and legitimacy Terms of service Foundation of good governance is people … Essential nature of fiduciary responsibilities. Type, level and timing of engagement in relation to members’ responsibilities. Independent -- but representative – of particular stakeholder communities. Credibility – experience, expertise, integrity, ability. Legitimacy – processes of appointment and election transparency, openness, inclusiveness.
Principles of Good Governance Membership: Expectations and Attributes Stewards Act in good faith Act in College’s best interests Stakeholder / constituency interests inform deliberations Expand on value of institutions’ codes of behaviour, codes of ethics, expectations documents for members of governing bodies.
Principles of Good Governance Membership: Identification and Selection Election or appointment Open, transparent processes Clear and broadly-based communication Quality of governance reflects quality of process – planned, deliberate. Collective responsibility within the institution. Roles of Board and Senate leadership. Importance of defined processes; over time, as their governance has matured, many institutions have governance / nominating committees for their Boards; while such models are not necessarily appropriate for Senates, the underlying principle of clear, fair, well-communicated processes is critical. Articulation of the responsibilities of members of governance bodies – “the job description”. Expectations of members. Defining and communicating skills and experience needed at particular times or over time. Key consideration for external members of governance bodies: understanding of and commitment to postsecondary education. Attributes matrix – current strengths, gaps, future needs. Importance of succession / leadership planning.
Principles of Good Governance Membership Orientation and Education Knowledge of responsibilities Knowledge of institution, its history, culture, current state and future plans Context – legislative, policy and societal environments Goal is to equip members to: Make fully-informed strategic decisions. In the case of the Board, to support and guide the President they have appointed to achieve a mandate. Be partners in advancing the College’s mission. Protect and strengthen academic quality – elaborate on respective roles of Board and of Senate. NOT micromanage. Orientation and ongoing education Chair’s priorities and expectations Fiduciary responsibilities Overview of the university and key administrative portfolios University governance President’s priorities Access to information / protection of privacy “Professional development” opportunities, external resources
Principles of Good Governance Membership: Engagement In governance In the College Key roles of governance and administration’s leadership Equip individuals to be informed, prepared and active participants in governance – informed about their responsibilities and the matters before them. Elaborate on what this means in meetings and outside of meetings. Essential to develop full understanding of the institution. Partnership between governance and administrative leadership to build and facilitate engagement of members.
Principles of Good Governance Roles Approval Oversight Advice :
Principles of Good Governance Roles: Board Strategy Reputation / Image Finances Capital and infrastructure Human resources Risk management Academic quality Student experience Provide details on the list of the Board’s general areas of responsibility. Appointment of the President. Board is ultimately responsible for academic quality Academic Affairs Committee – only one way to ensure strong oversight; it is important for the Board to receive appropriate reports on achievement of academic priorities, student outcomes, student experience. Essential that Board members understand the roles and responsibilities of the Senate. Approval of strategic and academic plans Approval of policies – accountability related to those policies; delegation by the Board to Senate and to administration; accountability mechanisms are established for all of the delegations and for the policies which the Board reserves to itself. Understanding of roles and responsibilities of Senate and of academic units
Principles of Good Governance Roles: Senate Academic priorities Academic policies Academic programs Academic calendar Academic quality Admissions standards Graduation requirements Research and creative activities Delegated authority from the Board. Highlights from the TOR with respect to approval, oversight and advice. Key advisory role with respect to academic directions/priorities. Reiterate representative nature. Committee responsibilities.
Principles of Good Governance Roles: Governance and Administration Board Senate Board Chair / Senate Chair and Speaker President and Vice-Presidents Chair - President relationship Importance of understanding and respecting the legitimate division of responsibility – reference to Act, by-laws, terms of reference, etc. Support and guidance of administration – tough questions, respectful criticism. Foundation of trust. Clear and ongoing communication.
Principles of Good Governance Nature of Meetings Responsibilities delegated to committees (advice, oversight, approval) Responsibilities reserved to the Board or the Senate Balance of open and closed / in camera meetings Appropriate and timely information for members Conduct of meetings Board and Senate: essential to respect delegations of authority and their boundaries. Transparency: meetings, agendas, decisions (minutes), procedures. Information in the right level of detail with relevant history and governance-level content; process information – how decisions are made, the nature of consultation. Sufficient number of meetings. Conduct of meetings: order and decorum, respectful debate, rules of order.
Principles of Good Governance Evaluation Regular formal valuation of governance performance Defined principles Accepted good governance standards Ongoing informal assessments – e.g. “what worked well at this meeting?” Is the body spending time where and how it should? Are members prepared, informed, participating?
Principles of Good Governance Questions and Discussion Principles apply to both Boards and Senates, but some actions / practices / approaches may be specific to one or the other body.