GEO ExCom and the GEO Programme Board Priorities and expectations for 2017 Robert-Jan Smits EC GEO Principal and Lead ExCom Co-Chair for 2017 Geneva, 1 February 2017 v 30/01/17
ExCom 2017 Lead Co-Chair - Background Single lead co-chair for 2017 Reinforcement of the strategic role for ExCom – facilitated by the introduction of a Programme Board Lead Co-Chair to provide strengthened and continuous leadership and to support the GEO Secretariat EC Co-Chair met GEO Secretariat Director and staff -agreed on working methods and proposed priorities for 2017
ExCom 2017 Lead Co-Chair – Priorities (I) 1) Clarify roles and responsibilities of ExCom, Programme Board and the GEO Secretariat Within the agreed GEO governance rules Identify potential areas of misunderstanding – complex landscape in the second decade of GEO Agree on approach by all players In particular, ExCom should Benefit from more time for strategic discussion Respect other duties as per Rules of Procedure Be supported by well-prepared meetings, clear communication and advanced and timely agreement on documents
ExCom 2017 Lead Co-Chair – Priorities (II) 2) Implementation of the GEO Engagement Strategy Priorities agreed by Plenary in St. Petersburg (SDGs, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction) 3) Follow-up of the Commercial Sector Engagement Interim report to be presented to March ExCom 4) Strategic assessment of GEO Key Performance Indicators ExCom to advise on KPIs included in the Strategic Plan Finland taking a lead analysing feasibility, priorities and next steps 5) Liaising with the GEO Programme Board Maintain a closer and continuous dialogue with Programme Board Co-Chairs
ExCom 2017 Lead Co-Chair – Priorities (III) 6) Further consideration of a Flagship - centred approach Significant shift in 2016 – GEO introduction of a top-down approach Priorities set in the Engagement Strategy Selection of GEO Flagships for the 2017-19 Work Programme Supervisory role of the Programme Board ExCom to explore in the light of policy priorities whether further top-down actions should be considered 7) Recruitment of the next GEO Secretariat Director Selection Panel formed in December (one member per caucus) Present a draft Vacancy Notice and timeline at March ExCom for approval
Looking to 2017- ExCom Expectations of Programme Board GEO ready to deliver: Strategic Plan, engagement priorities, selected GEO Flagships, multi-year Work Programme. The Programme Board expected to: Focus on IMPLEMENTATION and DELIVERY Ensure the GEO WP is responding to the goals of the Strategic Plan Ensure four existing Flagships become strong and visible Ensure increased COHERENCE across activities Important to foster cross-collaboration and linkages between activities, while respecting autonomy and voluntary nature of GEO
Looking to 2017- Expectations The Programme Board expected to: Contribute to EFFECTIVE Governance This is essential for the success of GEO. Need to work in synergy with the other GEO bodies to fulfil the GEO Vision Manage EXPECTATIONS Reconcile the voluntary nature of Programme Board and limited resources of GEO Secretariat with aspirations and responsibilities Foster a stronger GEO IDENTITY Branding guidelines developed by the PB/GEO Sec to be used to bring GEO above the surface