Microsoft .NET: The Vision Jim Miller Lead Program Manager Common Language Runtime Microsoft Corporation Jim Miller
Agenda The Vision The Principles The Basics The Demo The Summary
Microsoft’s Vision Statement Empower people through great software, any time, any place, and on any device
Microsoft .NET: The Vision Technology Drivers Computing power Still doubling every 18 months PC-based data centers Connectivity Low cost, broad reach Internet Wireless, broadband access Device proliferation Connected devices - PDAs, cell phones, gas pumps Internet standards XML-based integration Key concepts: Continued increases in computing power combined with increases in connectivity give us powerful engines to use to build better solutions Internet-connected devices should be accounted for and treated so as to take advantage of their unique capabilities Simple, ubiquitous standards are driving change as well Jim Miller
Integration Imperative Microsoft .NET: The Vision Integration Imperative Historically an afterthought Too hard, too expensive, too slow, too brittle Islands of technology in a sea of connectivity New ideas work best when they leverage the existing world Newton vs Palm Do you prefer Excel or Access Word users like Excel SQL users like Access Key concepts: The integration problem is the key need we’re working to address. Web addressed issue of how users interact with applications – did nothing for how apps interact with apps. Yet this is core problem in some very large segments Solutions increasingly involve more than one application Integration right now is hard and expensive Concerned with integration: Inside organizations – traditional enterprise application integration Between organizations – B2B Individual’s personal networks – different technologies in your life Jim Miller
What is .NET? Distributed Computing Made Real Based on Standards Developer Platform Enterprise Servers Standard Services Many Devices Based on Standards Easy to Develop, Easy to Use Reliable, Secure, Trustworthy
Agenda The Vision The Principles The Basics The Demo The Summary
.NET Principles The Microsoft Vision for Computing Make Internet-scale distributed computing ubiquitous Exploit inexpensive cycles and bandwidth Seamless integration of multiple applications and devices Deliver software as a service Next generation user experience Put the user in control (security+privacy) The .NET Framework is the programming-model substrate for the .NET vision
SOAP Open Access Windows, Windows CE, UNIX, Mac, Palm, etc. Access Points Apps Devices Services Services myCalendar myContacts myInbox SOAP Windows, Windows CE, UNIX, Mac, Palm, etc. Any language All it takes: Compiler + socket() + Net access
Microsoft .NET: The Vision .NET Development .NET Framework Native XML Web services platform Deliver services via ASP.NET Nile e-commerce benchmark: 3x performance, 70% less code Multi-language development, integration Over 20 programming languages available Maximize developer skills, existing code Use tool best suited for your task Visual Studio .NET Next release of world’s most popular tools Highest productivity development environment Tap world’s deepest developer talent pool Key concepts: Microsoft is providing best of breed development tools with Visual Studio.NET and the .NET Framework The .NET development model embraces many programming languages, so that developers can use whichever language is most appropriate for them for that project Jim Miller
XML: Lingua Franca For Next Generation Software Microsoft .NET: The Vision XML: Lingua Franca For Next Generation Software XML A New Generation Of Open Software Universal data format Standards-based integration Two-way, adaptive Adapts to devices Adapts sender to receiver User-customizable Programmable XML Web Services Web GUI Key concepts: XML is a simple technology which allows programs to talk to each other meaningfully The impact of XML will probably be as big or bigger than the impact PCs had PC Jim Miller
Standard Services are XML <myInbox> <mailFolders>…</mailFolders> <mailHeaders>…</mailHeaders> </myInbox> myInbox <myContacts> <folder name=“friends”> <contact>…</contact> </folder> </myContacts> myContacts <myCalendar> <event> <title>…</title> <eventTime>…</eventTime> </event> </myCalendar> myCalendar
Microsoft .NET: The Vision Privacy And Security User in control is central tenet User controls their information Microsoft won’t mine, sell, target, or publish data Affirmative consent model Key security principles User controls who can access their data, and for what purpose User can revoke access to data Make it simple for users to use These are principles – proof is in delivering on them. Think we have to deliver on to make this business go. Committed to working with privacy community on the details. We and Internet as a whole have a long way to go – committed to doing it Jim Miller
Agenda The Vision The Principles The Basics The Demo The Summary
What Is An XML Web Service? Microsoft .NET: The Vision What Is An XML Web Service? Evolution of applications and Web sites Accessible by other computers, not just people Transform into reusable components Can publish and/or consume Web services Secure interactions across trust boundaries New integration methodology Uses XML interactions between systems Internet-native, based on open set of standards Works with any operating system, programming language or network Can expose existing code as Web service Different systems can actually talk Key concepts: The Web has been about user-driven access to information; XML Web services are an evolution to programmatic access to information and services XML Web services are like components XML Web services are about making it possible for software to talk to other software without requiring a human in the middle No runtime software dictated Jim Miller
XML Web Services Foundation Simple, Open, Broad Industry Support Microsoft .NET: The Vision XML Web Services Foundation Simple, Open, Broad Industry Support Publish, Find, Use Services: UDDI Service Interactions: SOAP Universal Data Format: XML Ubiquitous Communications: Internet Key concepts: Simple standards stack Internet – lowest cost way to move bits, broadest reach, deepest investment XML – W3C standard SOAP – W3C effort UDDI – open, founded by MS, IBM, Ariba, over 200 members Easy integration, distributed control Vendor, platform, language neutral Jim Miller
Microsoft .NET A Software Platform for XML Web Services Microsoft .NET: The Vision Microsoft .NET A Software Platform for XML Web Services Spans clients, servers and services Consistent programming model, highest productivity tools for deepest developer pool Interoperable via XML Web Services Key capabilities Deliver software as a service Integration becomes intrinsic Enable smart, service-aware systems New, richer user experiences Key concepts: .NET is our software platform for the XML Web services environment Continuous delivery of value is the goal of software services Software services also make it possible to tailor software to companies and individual users .NET will make building, deploying, operating, and aggregating XML Web services easy Jim Miller
.NET Clients New Breed of Smart Clients Microsoft .NET: The Vision .NET Clients New Breed of Smart Clients XML, service-aware Work well alone or with others Work best together Key concepts: Smart devices are Smart about the network (online/offline) Smart about other devices Smart about services Smart about you and your information Microsoft is building XML into all of our client software Jim Miller
.NET Building Block Services Microsoft .NET: The Vision .NET Building Block Services Microsoft Passport Authentication service offers single sign-on capability for any Web site Over 160 million active accounts “HailStorm” Set of user-centric, XML Web services to manage, protect personal information Puts users in control of their “personal networks” for more consistent experience New way for businesses to reach customers, with customers’ permission Open Access model allows any application, device or service to use Key concepts: Providing core services for developers to leverage is nothing new; printer drivers or GUI toolkits are equivalent Building block services are globally accessible core services for developers to integrate Passport 160m+ active accounts growing by over 10m a month Over 1.5b authentications a month One of the ten largest web sites in the world, yet no one ever visits it HailStorm is a code-name Jim Miller
Microsoft .NET: The Vision Standard Services myContacts myInbox myWallet myMusic myNotifications myDocuments myAddress myApplication Settings myFavorite WebSites myCalendar myLocation Jim Miller
Not Just Users… Organizations Groups Individuals myCalendar myContacts myInbox Organizations myCalendar myContacts myInbox Groups myCalendar myContacts myInbox myWallet myMusic Individuals myLocation
.NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) Common type system for all languages Rich runtime environment Rich class libraries (.NET Framework) Base class libraries, ADO.NET and XML Windows Forms for rich, Win32 applications Web application platform ASP.NET Rich, interactive pages Powerful web services
Common Language Runtime Manages running code Verifies type safety Provides garbage collection, error handling Provides code access security Common type system Value types (integer, float, user, …) Objects, Interfaces Delegates, Events, Properties, Pointers Access to native system resources Goal: International Standard by 2002
Compilation and Execution Microsoft .NET: The Vision Compilation and Execution Compilation CIL Code Source Code Language Compiler Metadata Execution JIT Compiler Native Code The diagram above illustrates the process used to compile and execute managed code, that is, code that uses the CLR. Source code written in C#, VB.NET, or some other language that targets the CLR is first transformed into MSIL by the appropriate language compiler. Before execution, this MSIL is JIT compiled into native code for whatever processor the code will run on. The default is to JIT compile each method when it is first called, but it’s also possible to “pre-JIT” the MSIL. With this option, all methods are compiled before the application is loaded, so the overhead of JIT compilation on each initial method call is avoided. One point worth noting is that all languages targeting the CLR should exhibit roughly the same performance. While some compilers may produce better MSIL code than others, large variations in execution speed are unlikely. Before installation or the first time each method is called Jim Miller
Common Language Runtime Microsoft .NET: The Vision Common Language Runtime Base Class Library Support Thread Support COM Marshaler Type Checker Exception Manager Security Engine Debug Engine 17.18 Class loader – loads classes and metadata CPU independent IL to native code compilers Code manager - controls execution. Garbage collector - provides automatic memory management for all your objects. Then, on top of that we have higher level services such as… Finally, support for the Base Class Libraries. This is code that’s integrated with the runtime, but that supports the base class libraries, things like reflection, root object type, floating point, etc. ================================================= So what’s actually in the Common Language Runtime? This slide gives an idea of all the stuff in the runtime. The good news is that you don’t actually have to understand exactly what these components do – you never physically see them. At the bottom is the class loader which manages loading of classes and metadata. On top of that we have , CPU independent IL to native code compilers Code manager that controls execution. Garbage collector that provides automatic memory management for all your objects. IL to Native Compilers Code Manager Garbage Collector Class Loader Jim Miller
Multi-Language Development Microsoft .NET: The Vision Multi-Language Development Object system is built in, not bolted on Simply use the language of choice No additional rules or API to learn Advanced multi-language features Cross language inheritance, exceptions Over 20 languages currently supported VB, C++, C#, Java, JScript, Perl, COBOL High leveraged tools Debuggers, etc work with all languages Jim Miller
Web Standards/Practices Microsoft .NET: The Vision Web Standards/Practices .NET Framework supports HTML, XML, SOAP, XSLT, XPath Web services enables internet scale distributed apps State-full connected model does not work Loosely connected web services enables scalable apps XML support is built in deeply Data, remoting, serialization, documentation, config Web standards are deeply integrated throughout the framework Traditional client/server and disconnected internet models are quite different. .Net framework creates internet ready apps. This affects everything. 28.50 As you’ve seen in some articles and perhaps some other talks, web standards are deeply integrated into the .net framework. HTML, XML, Soap… These are all key core concepts in this platform. When you build apps with .net, they are internet ready. Transition from client server connected apps, to loosely coupled stateless apps. The .net framework and the tools that support it are optimized for best practices that are emerging in web applications. Example of VB scribble program not being appropriate for a web app? You can see how the UI metaphor is different, so the platform and tool must promote a different set of best practices. For example, web developers have learned it is very unruly to intermix code and ui (html) – so the .net tools maintain these as two entities. [In the past, the tools often suggested a development path, that while may be great for quick demos at keynotes, really led you astray when writing larger applications. The early VB data binding controls come to mind. Eg: it made a great demo to slap some ui on a form, add a data control, set a property and run. However, in practice, developers needed control over when/how the data got updated. It wasn’t appropriate to tightly bind directly to the database without developer intervention. With the .net framework and tools, you are strongly encouraged by the system and the tool to do things like be stateless, disconnected, data access, UI, etc.] Jim Miller
.NET Framework Namespace Microsoft .NET: The Vision .NET Framework Namespace ASP.NET Windows ADO.NET XML Base Class Library Jim Miller
.NET Framework Namespace Microsoft .NET: The Vision .NET Framework Namespace System.Web System.WinForms Services UI Design ComponentModel Description HtmlControls Discovery WebControls Protocols System.Drawing Caching Security Drawing2D Printing Configuration SessionState Imaging Text System.Data System.Xml ADO SQL XSLT Serialization Design SQLTypes XPath System Collections IO Security Runtime InteropServices Configuration Net ServiceProcess Remoting Diagnostics Reflection Text Serialization Globalization Resources Threading Jim Miller
Agenda The Vision The Principles The Basics The Demo The Summary
Demo Build a Web Service Build a Rich Client Build a Web Client … and do it all in 5 minutes
Agenda The Vision The Principles The Basics The Demo The Summary
.NET In One Slide Distributed Applications Made Real Based on standards and ubiquitous services, with security and privacy at the core, across devices, across languages, across operating systems, and with tools that allow anyone to build them
Microsoft .NET: The Vision Key concepts: Open for questions. Common questions are around security, privacy, network bandwidth requirements, and business process orchestration, as well as (in enterprise presentations) applications of this to the customer’s specific situation or business. Jim Miller