Petra Velzeboer – 18th Jan, 2014
THAT’S 3 IN EVERY CLASSROOM. WHAT’S THE ISSUE? 1 in 10 children and young people aged 5 - 16 suffer from a diagnosable mental health Disorder THAT’S 3 IN EVERY CLASSROOM.
WHAT WE DO YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. We campaign, research and influence policy and practice.
WHAT WE PROVIDE Parents’ Helpline Youth campaigns and policy influencing Training for professionals Information for children and young people, parents and professionals
WHAT IS MENTAL HEALTH? “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” World Health Organisation (WHO) 2011 Discuss mental health in small groups & feedback stigma/understanding/gaps in learning.
WHERE ARE WE GOING NEXT? In January we launch YoungMinds biggest and most ambitious campaign A mass movement of young people (11-25) campaigning for change on issues that affect their mental health
Pressures Young people talk about the pressures they face Bullying, no help. Jodie-Pan Barriero Mental health / CAMHS Young people tbc X2 discussions Jodie Pan-Barriero – school stress/bullying – confirmed. Grace Jeremy – mental health issues Alexis Watkins – experience of CAHMS
WHAT CAN WE DO Start the conversation and reduce stigma Listen Involve teenagers in their care and treatment Build awareness by linking with mental health organisations Can you reduce stigma by telling your own story Listen to student saying they may be depressed – take this seriously rather than put this down to ‘normal teen angst’. Involve young people in their care and treatment – female 13 from divorced family sitting upstairs while 2 sets of parents/step parents discussed her issues/difficulty. Sign up to our campaign – let us do Activist training with your young people. Evidence suggests that yp who have experienced difficulties and come through them are the best placed to support other young people experiencing mental health difficulties.
HOW CAN YOU HELP US CAMPAIGN? Sign up to our campaign via our YoungMinds Vs site & tell your friends Advertise Activist/Media training for 11-25 year olds – Next London date: February 8th Spread the word on social media & everywhere else Let us know if you want young people to sit on your boards, forums and planning meetings so you can hear their views