Ransomware, Phishing and APTs Avoid Falling Victim to These Cyber Threats A webinar on: Cyber threats that can have crippling effects on the enterprise How to protect yourself against an attack What We’ll Cover: Cyber attacks are indiscriminate! What's in the news? Why you should care! The different types of attack and their anatomy Phishing Spear Phishing and Social Engineering Ransomware & CryptoLockers Hoaxes and Scams Why Traditional methods are no longer effective Defending yourself against the multiple attack vectors
It’s in the news... Email security is no longer just about preventing excessive spam and viruses – the attacks are real, they are sophisticated, and they are costly. Nearly every day there is a new story about malware – and a lot of it is ransomware, which can cost you dearly.
Ransomware Discoveries LockDroid KeRanger CryptoApp PayCrypt Encryptor RaaS XRTN Job Cryptor Troldesh VaultCrypt Hi Buddy Coinvault Tox Radamant Vipasana Zerolocker Cryptvault Unix.Ransomcrypt Hydracrypt Cryptowall TorrentLocker BandarChor CryptInfinite Umbrecrypt Gpcoder Reveton Urausy Nymaim Onion TeslaCrypt LowLevel404 Locky 2005 - 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Kovter Browlock Linkup Slocker Cryptolocker2015 Dumb Ransom32 73v3n CTB-Locker/Citron Simplocker Maboua OSX POC CryptoJocker Synclocker Pacman Power Worm Nanolocker Virlock Pclock DMA-Locker LeChiffre Threat Finder Gomasom Magic Hidden Tear Chimera Locker Ginx ORX-Locker
Indiscriminate Anyone’s money will do just fine! Web based attacks are wide ranging From individuals being targeted all the way up to more strategic targets… Use multiple attack vectors
Its high impact! It’s not just your money that’s at stake! Lost revenues? It could also damage your company’s reputation… And workers jobs could be on the line if the demands are high enough. Hard earned money lost Revenues lost whilst down Reputation – look at Home depot – am I happy with them holding my credit card and profile information any longer? If there is enough of an impact due to ransom fees, will it cause people to loose jobs in a smaller company?
What will the next morph bring? Does your payment really mean you are free and clear? How long before we see Ransomware payments as temporary? Will one payment unlock you forever? When will ransomware morph into “Protection ware?”
Security Threats are Common During the past year 34% of organizations had an email phishing attack successfully infiltrate their network 30% of organizations had one or more endpoints infected with ransomware 29% of organizations had malware infiltrate through an unknown source 17% of organizations had sensitive/confidential info leaked through email 14% of organizations had an email spearphishing attack successfully infect one or more senior executives’ computers 12% of organizations were successfully infiltrated by a drive-by attack from employee Web surfing 11% of organizations were victims of a CEO Fraud/Business Email Compromise Attack Only 27% of organizations did not experience a security attack during the past 12 months ©2016 Osterman Research, Inc.
Ransomware, Malware and Hacking are Common One in nine organizations surveyed has been infiltrated by ransomware, malware or hacking because an employee has clicked on a phishing link or attachment. ©2016 Osterman Research, Inc.
What are Decision Makers Most Concerned About? Decision makers are most concerned about malware infiltration, phishing and ransomware. ©2016 Osterman Research, Inc.
Many Tools are Not Solving the Problem 61% of organizations report that Web-based threats blocked by their security infrastructure are staying the same or getting worse 53% of organizations report that ransomware blocked by their security infrastructure is staying the same or getting worse 51% of organizations report that the percentage of malware blocked by their security infrastructure is staying the same or getting worse ©2016 Osterman Research, Inc.
With attacks increasing in sophistication... What happens when an attack includes multiple threat vectors and threats across all deployment surfaces?
Multi-vector attacks Start with automatic reconnaissance Gain access to credentials Use credentials for back door entry Launch spear-phishing campaign Install APT/Ransomware Damage/Deface/Steal Data Demand Ransom
Multi Vector Attacks - Reconnaissance + Credentials Access to Credentials / Data Use Credentials for Backdoor Access APT installation Damage, Deface… Spear Phishing Remote Users & Ransom… Identity Credentials Data… CRM Web App Exchange In the next few slides we build up a scenario. This is not a simple one shot attack, but rather it’s purpose is to illustrate the development of a campaign. It illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to security, where the sum of the products is greater than the capabilities of the individual components. Not we are not saying that this is typical, but whether they happen at the same time or over a period of time with individual attacks, the security measures put in place are just as important to achieve comprehensive security.
Multi Vector Attacks – Credentials -> Access -> Installation of APT Reconnaissance Access to Credentials / Data Use Credentials for Backdoor Access APT installation Damage, Deface… Spear Phishing Remote Users & Ransom… UN: abcd PW: #sdf45 APT Deface Websites Exfiltrate sensitive data CRM Web App Exchange In the next few slides we build up a scenario. This is not a simple one shot attack, but rather it’s purpose is to illustrate the development of a campaign. It illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to security, where the sum of the products is greater than the capabilities of the individual components. Not we are not saying that this is typical, but whether they happen at the same time or over a period of time with individual attacks, the security measures put in place are just as important to achieve comprehensive security.
Multi Vector Attacks – Spear Phishing Reconnaissance Access to Credentials / Data Use Credentials for Backdoor Access APT installation Damage, Deface… Spear Phishing Remote Users & Ransom… @ Earnings Call! CEO CEO AP Credentials ! AP Sally, Please urgently send $50,000 to ‘Big Corp’ ACME Bank Corp Routing# 3445886846999 AC# 5487 8798 8765 0966 Tommy (CEO) + CRM Web App Exchange In the next few slides we build up a scenario. This is not a simple one shot attack, but rather it’s purpose is to illustrate the development of a campaign. It illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to security, where the sum of the products is greater than the capabilities of the individual components. Not we are not saying that this is typical, but whether they happen at the same time or over a period of time with individual attacks, the security measures put in place are just as important to achieve comprehensive security.
Multi Vector Attacks – Remote Users - Ransomware Mobile Users $ Coffee shops / Airports Reconnaissance Access to Credentials / Data Use Credentials for Backdoor Access APT installation Damage, Deface… Spear Phishing Remote Users & Ransom… $$ CRM Web App Exchange In the next few slides we build up a scenario. This is not a simple one shot attack, but rather it’s purpose is to illustrate the development of a campaign. It illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to security, where the sum of the products is greater than the capabilities of the individual components. Not we are not saying that this is typical, but whether they happen at the same time or over a period of time with individual attacks, the security measures put in place are just as important to achieve comprehensive security.
Multi Vector Attacks – Migration to Cloud SaaS Office365 CRM Cloud Security Public Cloud Web App Cloud Firewall Cloud WAF CRM Web App Exchange Cloud providers are responsible for cloud security. Customers are responsible for security in the cloud! In the next few slides we build up a scenario. This is not a simple one shot attack, but rather it’s purpose is to illustrate the development of a campaign. It illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to security, where the sum of the products is greater than the capabilities of the individual components. Not we are not saying that this is typical, but whether they happen at the same time or over a period of time with individual attacks, the security measures put in place are just as important to achieve comprehensive security.
What we just learned 1 Threat Vectors 2 Threats 3 Platform Surfaces Any User 1 Threat Vectors Any App Any Platform Any Cloud 2 Threats From Any Where 3 Platform Surfaces
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