Answers to HW #5 1.) 𝑐 10 2.) 𝑐 10 3.) 𝑛 32 4.) 𝑞 100 5.) 𝑐 19 6.) 𝑑 15 7.) 1 𝑡 14 8.) 𝑥 7 9.) 625 𝑦 4 10.) 1024 𝑚 5 11.) 49 𝑎 2 12.) 1 12 𝑔 4 13.) 36 𝑦 4 14.) 81 𝑛 24 15.) 1 8 𝑦 12 16.) 1 17.) 𝑥 16 18.) 8 𝑥 5 𝑦 3 19.) 1 20.) 1 𝑐 18 21.) 9 𝑎 6 𝑏 8 22.) 𝑎 32 32 𝑐 26
Review: Sections 8.3 – 8.4 Algebra 1
For the remaining problems simplify each expression For the remaining problems simplify each expression. Make sure your answer has no exponents that are negative or zero. 4 𝑀 −5 𝑁 7 𝑃 8 𝑄 6 2 2 𝑀 4 𝑁 −3 𝑃 5 𝑄 4 3
6 −1 𝐶 −2 𝐷 2 𝐴 2 𝐵 −3 2
Exponent Activity You can work ONLY with your table partner Work should be attached to the back for credit Due before you leave
Complete the 8.1 & 8.2 Review If you don’t finish, it will be HW due MONDAY. - Even problems only - Complete on a separate sheet of paper (you do not need to write the question) - Staple your work to the back.
IXL Practice - 2/10 Complete: Grab a Chrome Book. Log on to: Once you are ready, raise your hand and I will give you your log in. Must get 100% to move on. Complete: Exponents: V.1Exponents with integer bases V.2Exponents with decimal and fractional bases V.3Negative exponents V.4Multiplication with exponents