Course registration and scheduling Bridgewater State University
Welcome to Bridgewater State University! Your Advisor in the Academic Achievement Center looks forward to helping you select courses. Please review this PowerPoint Presentation to learn how to build a schedule.
Which Courses are Appropriate? First, consider the following: How much experience do you have writing in English? Research Papers? Essays? Writing Notes? How much experience do you have speaking in English? Conversations? Presentations? Listening? Reading? Remember: The adjustment will take time and energy. Balance your course schedule based on your experiences.
Next: Select CORE Courses Next: Select CORE Courses CORE courses are General Education Requirements and are highly recommended The following entry level CORE courses do not require prerequisites: ENSL 101: English Second Language 1 ENGL 101:Writing Rhetorically PSYC 100: Intro to Psychology SOCI 102: Intro to Sociology SOCI 103: Social Problems SOCI 104: Global Social Problems GEOG 151: Human Geography COMM 102: Public Speaking COMM 270: Interpersonal Communication MUSC (Piano 140, Voice 130 , Guitar 120 ) MUSC 166: Survey of Jazz MUSC 168: American Popular Music LANG: Foreign Languages DANC 260: World Dance HIST 221: U.S. History to 1865 HIST 222: U.S. History Since 1865 THEA 110: Theater Appreciation THEA 222: Asian Theater THEA 236: American Musical Theater ARTS 125: Drawing 1 ARTS 104: Digital Imaging ECON 101: Micro Economics ECON 102: Macro Economics ANTH 100: Intro to Cultural Anthropology Additional Recommended Course: ENGL300: Teaching English Speakers other Languages
Step 2: Understand Prerequisites Finally, consider taking an introductory course in your Major Program Important: Have you met the requirements to take major program courses? Many Major Program Courses Require Prerequisites. Read About Major Program Courses Here: Click on Academic Programs Select Program Click on the course links for descriptions and prerequisites required Students must meet required prerequisite(s), or obtain approval for a prerequisite override from the chairperson of the department offering the course. A transcript and, in some cases, course description may be required prior to approval.
Create a list of Core & Major Courses Select AVAILABLE course sections, dates, & times, using InfoBear: Available Course Sections
InfoBear Login Directions: Connect to the internet and go to From the BSU homepage, click MyBSU Click: Student Portal Enter your email UserName and Password (assigned by ISSS) Select: Login Click: InfoBear in the LaunchPad Click: University Catalog to read about courses Click: View Available Courses to search for open sections
Write Title, CRN, Course Number, Section, Day(s)& Time on Registration Form Course # & Section Note: TR = Tuesday & Thursday Seats Available Day/Time Next Slide: Registration Form
* form can also be found on the International Exchange Student website Name (print): _______________________________ ________________________ _____________ Last First Middle Banner ID _0_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Course # Sec # CRN Course Title Days Time Please complete this form, print a copy for your files, review with your Home Advisor, then Copy & Paste it into an Email to your BSU Advisor. Once approved, you may register online with your BANNER ID (ISSS will provide)
Advisor Review Home Institution Advisor Reviews Course Selections & Course Descriptions Email final selections to BSU Advisor for review & registration BSU Advisors do not guarantee that course selections will fulfill requirements at your home institution. Check BSU e-mail for follow-up procedures
Resources Visit the International Exchange Student Resource Page: International Student Advice: