Preventing Online Child Sexual Abuse in Wales – next steps The only UK-wide charity dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse. How does it happen? The process….and the people Recap what has been covered so far … Now move on to how abusers do what they do – the processes they go through and how they rationalise their behaviour to themselves. 2
Four pre-conditions to child sexual abuse Adapted from: D Finkelhor Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory & Research 1984 Sex with a child Thoughts MOTIVATION ‘Wanting to’ INTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Conscience’ EXTERNAL INHIBITORS ‘Others’ (Creating Opportunity) OVERCOME VICTIM RESISTANCE ‘Doing it and getting away with it’
Prevention also needs to think about the crime…… Recap what has been covered so far … Now move on to how abusers do what they do – the processes they go through and how they rationalise their behaviour to themselves. 4
Eck’s “Crime Triangle” -basic chemistry of crime
A Comprehensive Framework for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (Smallbone et al, 2008)
Comprehensive Prevention model Four essential targets Offenders / potential offenders Victims / potential victims Communities/Families Specific situations in which abuse has occurred / is more likely to occur Public Health model of prevention Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Thus, 12 points of focus for prevention efforts (4 essential targets x 3 prevention levels)
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention (Before abuse) Secondary prevention (at-risk groups) Tertiary prevention (After Abuse) Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations/ Places
Treatment programmes for convicted sex offenders Where on the framework? Treatment programmes for convicted sex offenders All types of people could be abusers …. They CAN be people we know … care about etc. Re Cultures – speaking to a Chinese man he said no child abuse in China, “Chinese men don’t have these thoughts” .. When challenged he said it was only in England – “English disease!”… challenged again that it happens in all communities but not reported – he said no AND there aren’t any homosexuals in China either – they are all put in prison and given hard labour! 9 9
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Sex offender treatment Prison Sex offender registration etc Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Where on the framework? Awareness-raising prevention education programmes for all parents and carers All types of people could be abusers …. They CAN be people we know … care about etc. Re Cultures – speaking to a Chinese man he said no child abuse in China, “Chinese men don’t have these thoughts” .. When challenged he said it was only in England – “English disease!”… challenged again that it happens in all communities but not reported – he said no AND there aren’t any homosexuals in China either – they are all put in prison and given hard labour! 12 12
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Parents Protect Situations
Where on the framework? Primary school programme of personal safety and sex education for all 10 year olds All types of people could be abusers …. They CAN be people we know … care about etc. Re Cultures – speaking to a Chinese man he said no child abuse in China, “Chinese men don’t have these thoughts” .. When challenged he said it was only in England – “English disease!”… challenged again that it happens in all communities but not reported – he said no AND there aren’t any homosexuals in China either – they are all put in prison and given hard labour! 16 16
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Hedgehogs Victims (Children) Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Hedgehogs Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Stop it Now! UK and Ireland - Prevention campaign - Confidential helpline The only UK-wide Helpline and Campaign dedicated solely to tackling child sexual abuse
Where do they fit on the framework. 1. Stop it Now. Helpline 2 Where do they fit on the framework? 1. Stop it Now! Helpline 2. Inform + 3. Inform 4. IIOC Deterrence campaign?
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Stop! Helpline IIOC Deterrence Campaign Get-Help Inform + Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Inform Situations Securus Online Monitoring
Welsh Assembly Cross Party Group November 2016 - Cross-Party Group on Preventing Child Sexual Abuse, chaired by Jane Bryant AM. Other members currently include Angela Burns AM and Llyr Gruffudd AM
Group Task 1 In pairs, discuss what each person (agency) can do to support Operation Net Safe from April (5 minutes) Discuss your ideas in your group (5 Minutes) Write these suggestions on post it notes, including name and agency (5 Minutes)
Group Task On your tables, and using the Prevention Framework, consider all the things that are or could be done to prevent or respond to indecent images of children online. (Please be “tight” on this task – we will need a separate framework for online grooming) Put your ideas on post-its and in discussion with groups place on framework
Prevention Targets Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Primary prevention Secondary prevention Tertiary prevention Offenders (Potential) Victims (Children) Families/ Communities Situations
Next steps…. We will gather the products from your frameworks and circulate them Please complete the evaluations and state one, two, three things you can contribute after today to support and amplify the IIOC deterrence campaign Please share with others! We need all support All types of people could be abusers …. They CAN be people we know … care about etc. Re Cultures – speaking to a Chinese man he said no child abuse in China, “Chinese men don’t have these thoughts” .. When challenged he said it was only in England – “English disease!”… challenged again that it happens in all communities but not reported – he said no AND there aren’t any homosexuals in China either – they are all put in prison and given hard labour! 28 28
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