Bloom’s Taxonomy (different types of questioning) I Can… Pose and respond to questions and comments with relevant observations and ideas that keep the discussion focused.
Why do teachers ask you questions? to make sure you understand information to help you practice skills to think about reading and writing more deeply
Benjamin Bloom Teacher, researcher, and psychologist Life’s work was improving education and providing information to help students succeed Bloom said the first four years of a child’s life is the most critical time to promote cognitive development. Helped promote and maintain funding for the head start program He also created, with a team of his colleagues, different levels of questioning to gage student understanding
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Levels of Questioning 6 different levels: 1. Remembering (knowledge) 2. Understanding (comprehension) ___________ lower level __________ 3. Applying 4. Analyzing ___________ middle level _________ 5. Evaluating 6. Creating (synthesis) ___________ higher level __________ ← This is our goal!
Think of the different levels as the process of making a cake! Remembering: recall information Example: what was the character’s name? Just like mixing the ingredients in a cake
Understanding: comprehend the meaning, and can explain in your own words Example: explain what happened in the story Just like baking the cake
Applying: apply what you’ve learned to a different situation Example: how are the character’s actions an example of cruelty? Like the frosting on a cake
Analyzing: Separating material into parts and showing their relationship Example: compare the events of yesterday to the events of today Like fancy decorations on the frosting
Evaluating: making judgements about the value of something Example: what is the most effective solution to the problem? Like the multi-tiered cakes
Creating: put parts together to form a new, unique whole Example: create a plan to solve world hunger This is the amazing wedding cake!
Review Tell me which questions are lower level and which are higher level: Who is the main character? Outline the events in the story. Develop a set of instructions that tell a character how to navigate somewhere. What could other outcomes have been? What would happen if the character died instead of lived? Do you think the story is good or bad, and why?
Now let’s practice answering these types of questions using a familiar story...