The Fred Factor The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn is based on the author’s observations of the work habits of his very memorable postal carrier, Fred Shea. The author was intrigued by the quality of customer service that Fred extended to all the customers on his route despite the constraints of his role as a member of the US Postal Service. Mr. Sanborn’s observations led him to write this book as a guide for both employees and organizations to improve their level of involvement and accomplishment in every aspect of their work.
The Fred Principles Everyone makes a difference Success is built on relationships You must continually create value for others, and it doesn't have to cost a penny You can reinvent yourself regularly
Types of “Freds” A funny Fred An accountable Fred A generous Fred Take a risk and have some fun. Enhance the customer experience An accountable Fred Add value above and beyond your job description A generous Fred Be of service even if not everyone repays you A famous Fred All work is honorable
Becoming a Fred You choose what you prefer Enjoyment or misery? Feeling good about your work or feeling bad about it? Go back to basics, have the most fun, do your best Do the right thing for the right reason Doing is its own reward Recognition is just the icing on the cake Your possibilities are endless Choose the right models Set an inspiring model and others around you will emulate Enthusiasm will replace cynicism
Principle 01 - Everyone makes a difference Wake up every day intending to change the world It only takes a small act to make a big difference Interact in a positive manner Little changes can have cumulative and possible profound impacts Everyone makes a difference every day What kind of difference? Pay attention to the kinds of differences you are making Practice acts of the extraordinary regularly Notice, recognize and celebrate outstanding acts Be a persistent Fred
Principle 01 - Everyone makes a difference The power of a committed individual Be remindful of the far-reaching you impact on others can be The difference of a great idea Implement ideas that can effect change
Principle 01 - Everyone makes a difference Three difference making strategies Identify when you will make a difference At every opportunity! Target the people to whom you’ll make a difference The most important people in our lives deserve our best attention Customers Family Boss Teammates Friends and strangers Be the difference Make time in your busy life to determine how we can change our ordinary actions into extraordinary ones.
Principle 02 – Success is built on relationships Success is built one relationship at a time Do not use people as a means to an end Use relationships as the foundation for success All outcomes are created by and through interaction Become a student of social psychology Relationships create loyalty
Principle 02 – Success is built on relationships The seven Bs of relationship building Be real Be interested (not just interesting) Be a better listener Be empathic Be honest Be helpful Be prompt Beyond interactions Transactional interactions focus primarily on results Relational interactions emphasize the importance of how people are treated in the process of achieving results Focus on the relational aspect of your interactions
Principle 03 – Continually create value for others A crash course in adding value Tell the truth Practice personality power – Extend yourself genuinely and enthusiastically Attract through artistry – People are drawn towards attractiveness in all things Meet needs in advance – Apply the power of anticipation Add “good stuff” – What can you add to those around you? Enjoyment Enthusiasm Humor
Principle 03 – Continually create value for others A crash course in adding value (Continued…) Subtract “bad stuff” – What annoys or irritates you the most? Waiting Defects Mistakes Irritation and frustration Misinformation Simplify Make it easier for people to get what they need from you Eliminate red tape and mind-numbing bureaucracy You know how things work – help outsiders become insiders by exposing shortcuts
Principle 03 – Continually create value for others A crash course in adding value (Continued…) Improve Do what you have always done but make it better Look for ways big and small to improve the quality of your work and interactions Surprise others Deliver goods or services that are beyond the customer’s expectations Entertain others People love to be entertained When they are entertained, people pay closer attention Go work some magic Turn ordinary moments of your day into pure gold
Principle 04 – Reinvent yourself regularly Grow yourself, grow your value Become a sponge for ideas Distinguish between activity and accomplishment The more you learn the more you can enhance your work Be led by compelling reason Do not act out of obligation Identify a reason that will draw out the best in you
Principle 04 – Reinvent yourself regularly Capitalize on your life experiences Spend time reflecting on the past What are the most important lessons you’ve learnt? What did you once deeply desire to accomplish that you never attempted? Which people most shaped your life? Which of their skills and characteristics would you like to develop in your life? Increase your “IQ” (Implementation Quotient) IQ represents the difference between having a good idea and implementing it Write down good ideas as they occur, then put them on a daily dot-do list
Principle 04 – Reinvent yourself regularly Improve on the best Good ideas are all around you Seek out what the best people are doing Watch and learn Adapt and apply Do not simply copy; improve! Practice the one-a-day plan Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary happens one act at a time Aim for one extraordinary act a day Start by doing what you know you can do One thoughtful remark One exceptional performance One unexpected act of service
Principle 04 – Reinvent yourself regularly Compete with yourself Comparisons with others can drive you crazy Lot more productive – and fun – to compare and compete against yourself Goal is ongoing improvement The ripple effect Be conscious not only of the primary effect of the things we do but also of the secondary consequences, which are the ripple effects
How can you develop Freds? Developing Freds Staffing the organization with Freds at every level is a competitive advantage. All organizations have access to the same information, training, compensation systems etc. How can you develop Freds? Find Reward Educate Demonstrate
Find Let them find you – Become a “Fred Magnet” Discover dormant Freds People want to work in organizations that recognize, reward, encourage and value Freds If you don’t already have Freds, you wont attract Freds Look around in other departments for potential Freds Discover dormant Freds The downsizing “quick fix” vs. releasing potential Discovering talent is often nothing more than uncovering it Trust your people with time to reveal their talents Watch for people who do things with flair
Find Are Freds born or made? Hire Freds After you have exhausted the potential “Fred Pool” know how to identify them in an interview. Who are your heroes? Why? Why would anyone do more than necessary? Tell me three things that you think would delight most customers/clients/consumers. What is the coolest things that’s happened to you as a customer? What is service? Build your Fred Team Have teams of Freds lead by a Fred Only when leaders and followers share the same values and commitment can an organization truly maximize the potential of the Fred Factor
Reward We get the behavior we reward! The Atlanta Busboy story Enhance an employees self worth by demonstrating the bigger picture of his or her importance Even the smallest gestures make the world a better place Intention counts too It’s just as important to reward a Fred for good intentions as for stellar outcomes Employees should know that taking chances to do the right thing will be acknowledged, not punished When people feel their contributions are unappreciated, they will stop trying. When that happens, innovation dies!
Reward We get the behavior we reward! Implement your reward strategy Make sure all team members know they are making an important contribution or have the ability to do so Tell your team members specifically what kind of difference the are making Be sure that positive feedback is a rule rather that the exception Create an award Get the leader of your organization to recognize the Freds Remember the reward formula and apply it often
Educate Teach employees to be extraordinary Managers need to teach the principles embodied in The Fred Factor by becoming Freducated. This can be accomplished by the following: Find examples everywhere As you become increasingly interested in developing the art of the extraordinary in yourself and others, you’ll notice more and more examples Also notice the “anti-Fred” examples Record in writing all ideas and examples
Educate Teach employees to be extraordinary Dissect and debrief Positive change will not endure unless we understand why it worked Identify the specific good idea Adapt it to your situation Look for ways to improve it Identify opportunities to apply it Teach miracle working Perform miracles on a regular basis not just during a crisis Teach the Fred Factor as a form of daily miracle working The size of the miracle is less important that the frequency
Educate Teach employees to be extraordinary Pull, don’t push Command and control short-circuits the spirit of the Fred Factor Invite people to join you Use your enthusiasm and commitment to gain their participation and involvement The best Freducators are themselves Freds!
Demonstrate Inspire by example! The magic question How do you set an example and inspire? Inspire but don’t intimidate Involve – Team Fred Initiate – Don’t wait for “the right moment” Improvise – Take what life gives you and improvise, reinvent Go spread Fred Recognize the Freds in your life Acknowledge Freds for their contributions Pay Freds back by paying it forward
What motivates Fred to be a Fred? Do good and you’ll feel good The best never rest Treat customers and others as friends The impact you have on others is the reward Live the golden rule Fear nothing except to waste the moment
The spirit of the Fred Factor In a nutshell: What makes any act extraordinary is doing it with heart. What makes any life extraordinary is living it with love.
The Fred Report Card Measure what you treasure! A report card to assess your efforts and remind you of the key elements of being a Fred: Awareness Hold the example of Fred as a role model for your own behavior Be familiar with the four principles Agenda Look at your daily to-do list What are you planning to do to become a Fred? Attitude Act like a Fred because you want to Attitude colors everything in life
The Fred Report Card Measure what you treasure! Action In the end what we actually do is the only thing that makes a difference Accomplishment Score yourself by evaluating what you accomplish
Team Fred Report Card Measure what you treasure! Does each person on your team know that he or she makes a difference? Does everyone know how to build relationships? Does everyone know how to create value? Do team members realize how much they could reinvent themselves and their business through innovation and passionate commitment?