18 de octubre, 2016 DIARIO Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Why is a subject important in a sentence? Provide a feminine and a masculine subject word in Spanish. [Ex: niño y mamá] What is a pronoun? Why is it important in a sentence? Provide 5 examples of pronouns.
Indirect Object Pronouns Español 2
What is an indirect object pronoun? An indirect object pronoun tells us where the direct object is going. It takes the place of a pronoun. NOTE: Not all sentences have an Indirect Object Pronoun. The Indirect Object Pronoun answers the question “To whom?” or “For whom?” the action of the verb is performed to. For example: I bought her the shoes (for Jill). She told them the story (to Tom, Sam and Harry). Verb IOP Verb IOP
How does an indirect object pronoun work? For example: Does Martha buy the shirt for Maria? object pronoun Verb No, she doesn’t buy it for her. Verb indirect object pronoun direct object pronoun
me nos te le les These are used for people These are used When a pronoun takes the place of the name of the indirect object, use the following pronouns: These are used for people me nos te These are used le les mostly for people and sometimes things English subject Pronouns Spanish subject pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns I yo me you tú te Him/her/ you (formal) Él/ella/usted le We nosotros nos They(m.)/They (f.)/ you (formal) Ellos/ellas/ustedes les
You can use a prepositional form before an IOP Indirect Object Pronouns are mandatory Prepositional forms are optional (a mí) me (a nosotros) nos (a ti) te (a usted) le (a ustedes) les (a él) (a ellos) (a ellas) (a ella) (You use them for clarification or emphasis)
For example: A mi me gustan los libros de terror. A ella no le gusta hacer la tarea. Nosotros nos divertimos mucho en la playa.
Pronoun Placement There are five places a pronoun (any kind, not just indirect object pronouns) may be placed in a sentence in Spanish. Directly before a conjugated verb At the end of an infinitive (thus forming a longer word!) At the end of a command (imperative form) At the end of a present participle (-ing form) Before a negative command.
1. Before a conjugated verb They sing the song to us. Pronoun verb indirect object pronoun Ellos nos cantan la canción. (a nosotros). Pronoun indirect object pronoun verb NOTE: Indirect Object Pronouns are usually put before a conjugated verb.
2. At the end of an infinitive Remember, an infinitive is an unconjugated verb. (It ends in “r”) -She is going to tell us the answer. indirect object pronoun Pronoun verb -Ella va a decirnos la respuesta. indirect object pronoun Pronoun verb
“Write to your grandmother!” 3. At the end of a command “Tell me!” in English is the same in Spanish. Place the pronoun directly at the end of the command. For example: “Tell us!” ¡Dinos! “Write to your grandmother!” ¡Escribele!
4. At the end of a present particle (-ing verb) In a present particle you will almost always have 2 options: For example: “I am writing you (tú) a letter.” (Yo) te estoy escribiendo una carta. Or (Yo) estoy escribiendote una carta. Either location is OK! You choose where to put it!
5. Before a negative command Place the indirect object pronoun before the conjugated verb. For example: “Don’t tell us!” ¡No, nos digas! “Don’t write to your grandmother!” ¡No, le escribas! NOTE: In a negative sentence in Spanish the indirect object is placed in front of the conjugated verb. It cannot be placed in front of “no”.
Repaso With a partner, you will: Discuss the notes in your own words. Summarize the notes in 6 bullet points. DO NOT copy the slides. Use your own words.
Práctica Mi hermano presta su bicicleta a Ándres. (prestar = to loan) Copy the first sentence. Identify the verb and subject. Rewrite the second sentence using the correct Indirect Object Pronoun. Make sure you double underline it. Mi hermano presta su bicicleta a Ándres. (prestar = to loan) Gaspar y Gavino encantan a estudiar las matemáticas. Usted da trabajo a los jóvenes. Yo lavo el carro nuevo de mis amigos. Mi Papá compra un regalo a mi Mamá.
¡¡A practicar!! Each practice will be on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you label each practice correctly. You can find the worksheets under “semana 11”.