Quiet Time “Quiet Time is a definite time (preferably early in the morning) set apart for meaningful communion with God and meditative study of the scriptures”.
Our Strength and Sustenance Matthew 26:36; Mark 1:35; Isaiah 30:21 Quiet Time is needed for our spiritual growth: It is the quality time we spend to communicate personally with God It is a means to nourish our spiritual life on a daily basis (Psalm 91:1-4) It is an avenue to gather daily spiritual strength: It is our means to gather daily manna to survive in this evil world It is the time to receive strength for daily victorious Christian living It is our major support for fruitful service: Without a fruitful QT we would be empty It enables us to function effectively in the service of God
Components of A Fruitful Quiet Time Mark 1:35; Dan 6:10; Psalm 119:97; Luke 18:1 Timing: <<In the morning… a great while before day…>> Minimum time of 30 mins; 1 hour or more recommended Choose time according to work schedule (preferably in the morning) Setting a fixed time brings about discipline and consistency Choose a specific time for your QT and keep to it Don’t doze off during QT Location: << Solitary place>> Absence of distraction (Exodus 34:1-3) Avoid the use of your phone during QT
Quiet Time Process Thanksgiving and worship Systematic Bible Reading Choose specific books in the bible and read them systematically. Usually 5-10 verses is advisable. Meditation and note taking Read the verses slowly to understand what the passage says: Commandments, promises, warning and examples to follow or avoid) Write down the lessons learned Prayers on the lesson learnt for the day Intercession and supplication
Pitfalls To Avoid Inconsistency Distraction Treating it as a “duty” makes it lifeless and dry Making sermons for others
Checklist for an Enriching Quiet Time Intensity of prayer Understanding of the scriptures Lessons learnt during the quiet time (message received for the day) As a Christian progresses in his/her Christian life there is more desire to spend more time before God (increase in time, passages, prayer etc)