Weekly Planner Ana Date 2013.04.17(Wed)- 2013.04.23(Tue) Daily Tue~Sat Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Devotions & prayer Read 2 newspaper articles LSAT self-study Sleep (by 1:00) LSAT class (19:00~22:00) Tutor 10:00~11:30 LSAT homework Catch up with previous LSAT homework Laundry and clean house Grocery shopping LSAT class (14:00~17:00) Dinner with Jaehoon (17:00) 연기 Visit Grandpa Small group(13:30~15:30) Welcoming Ministry Small group reading House chores, 가계부정리, grocery shopping Monday meeting (18:30~21:30) Purchase reading comp book LSAT homework & self-study Revise LSAT study plan 영어과외 (10:00~11:30) Take gift to 미담 (after 과외) Small group & picnic(13:00~15:30) 십일조 정리 영어과외 (16:00~17:30) Answered Prayers - Praise God that 권사님 arrived safely; thankful for the company at home (There is a time for everything :) Time to be a lone and time to be with others!) Prayer Requests - For balance between discipline and 여유로운 마음; wisdom to organize schedule well and firm resolve to follow-through - Wisdom & complete reliance on God - For love and peace within fam - To live a content, disciplined, and restful week in the Lord!
Weekly Planner Sooyun Date 2013.04.17(Wed)- 2013.04.23(Tue) Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue -QT -Remind everyone to pray for each other -Wednesday Night Prayer Service -Coffee with Jennifer -Cooking fellowship with Jennifer and maybe Nathan at my place -Church -Read Chapters 7 and 8/do Workbook -Weekly Meeting/Jennifer's birthday dinner /noraebang -Post post-meeting post -Upload weekly planner -Read Chapters 8 and 9/do Workbook -Weekly Meeting/noraebang Answered Prayers Peace Prayer Requests
Weekly Planner Jennifer Date 2013.04.17(Wed)- 2013.04.23(Tue) Daily Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Continue to read the Bible chronologically pray for something/some ppl everyday Finish prepping for small group Exercise for thirty minutes & pray for some time Journal Dance Journal & Read Small group If I got into the new balance race, jog for 20 mins Maybe other fun stuff Take a test Intensive Bible reading Do something with family? Exercise exercise Weekly meeting Dance & Study & Journal Read Bible & pray everyday Spend time with God Memorize one verse May have dinner plans Run for 30 minutes Organize room Read for SG & Study Dance & listen to a sermon Read for SG SG Relax & Quiet time Run for 30 mins May hang out or cook Run for 40 mins 자기 계발 Hang out & run Go with the flow Dance & 자기계발 Answered Prayers I’m growing somewhat, spiritually & emotionally Prayer Requests To breathe a little and not rush things To get a better grip of reality To listen to God For family
Weekly Planner Chorong Date 2013.02.09(Sat)-2013.02.15(Fri) Answered Prayers N/A Prayer Requests