Sustainability and economic impact WP6 Sustainability and economic impact Leader PRJ Partners: UPC, BIU, CNR, UNIMIB, CENTI, UL, KLO, PER, MAR, DGA, CDB, CTEC, FN, STZ, INDA, ICONE, SYN, AITEX, PRJ
Objectives/Tasks Goal and scope definition, inventory phase and first partial environmental profile of the up-scaled processes (Task 6.1) Implementing LCC and LCA studies for the up-scaled coating processes and the new products(Task 6.2) Conclusion, evaluation and design of the optimal full scale manufacturing lines (Task 6.3) Assessment of standards and regulatory issues (Task 6.4)
Pert: WP6 interconnections with other WPs within Protect WP6 directly interconnects to the tech. WP2 and (thorough it) indirectly to all other WPs
Gantt WP6 In Y1 @ M6 T6.1 starts, active through Y1 until Y2-Q2: WP/T No. WPs/Tasks Name Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 WP6 Sustainability and economic impact T6.1 Goal and scope definition, inventory and first partial environmental profile of the up-scaled processes T6.2 Implementing LCC and LCA studies for the up-scaled coating processes and the new products D6.1 D6.2 T6.3 Conclusion and design of the optimal full scale manufacturing lines industries T6.4 Assessment of standards and regulatory issues In Y1 @ M6 T6.1 starts, active through Y1 until Y2-Q2: Task 6.1: Goal and scope definition, inventory phase and first partial environmental profile of the up-scaled processes Partners involved in Task 6.1: CTEC, ICONE, KLO, PER, MAR, CDB and DGA
T6.1 participating partners Role Connection to Task 6.1 DGA Pilot for treatment biomedical products Analysis of Batch US pilot unit KLO Pilot for Textiles functionalisation Analysis of the R2R US pilot reactor scale up & analysis of product functional specs and performances MAR Pilot for Textiles, membranes and biomedical devices Analysis of the R2Rs spray US nozzle pilot CITEC US spray technolpgy & NPs synthesis Analysis of spray coating and NPs synthesis processes ICONE Metrology and process monotoring Analysis of processing parameters PER Manufactue of textiles Analysis of product functional specs and performances CDB Manufacture of prototype filters cartriges
WP6 – T6.1 Task 6.1: - Goal and scope definition; specification of the functional unit and the system boundaries for each studied case, - inventory phase: specific data collection will be carried out considering primary data obtained by partners on specific processes and targeted products - specific inventory tool will be devised for PROTECT - first partial environmental profile of the up-scaled pilots’ processes: devised by including secondary data in the model and by computing the environmental impacts of the selected systems - first partial costing profile of the up-scaled pilots will be devised
WP6 / T6.1 interconnections with other WPs WP6 interconnections with WP2: Task 6.1: will operate on the bases of info and data supplied by WP2 relating to the pilots design phase In turn, Task 6.1 outputs will influence the design phase by devising sustainable processing solutions .. A first estimation of the LCC and LCA studies will be performed based on designs and partners’ inputs from the existing pilots. Based on these studies, recommendation for improvement of the pre-commercial lines will be delivered to the relevant partners (D6.1)
WP6 first deliverables Deliverables: No deliverables are expected for WP6 within Y1 Task 6.1 output is expected by M18 (Y2,Q2) in D6.1: D6.1 Report on the LCC and LCA of the three coating processes and recommendation for improvements based on inputs from the existing pilots
Task 6.1: LCA LCA is a technique for assesssing the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product/process, by: compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and outputs of a product system evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with those inputs and outputs interpreting the results in relations to the objectives of the study.
Task 6.1: LCA ISO 14040:2006 - outlining LCA principles and framework ISO 14044:2006 - for requirements and guidelines Which replaced: ISO 14041 - Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis (1998 – 2006) ISO 14042 - Life cycle impact assessment (2000 – 2006) ISO 14043 - Life cycle interpretation (2000 - 2006) Other LCA-related Standards ISO 14047 - Examples of application of ISO 14042 (2003) ISO 14048 - Data documentation format (2002) ISO 14049 - Examples of application of ISO 14041 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis (2000)
What is being assessed within Protect LCA is “Environmental burden” Task 6.1: LCA Environmental burden What is being assessed within Protect LCA is “Environmental burden” The PROTECT manufacturing process requires inputs of raw materials and fuels (energy) for the generation of useful products At the same time outputs of waste material in the form of air emissions, water emissions and solid waste are also generated. Environmental burden is a catch-all expression used to describe these inputs and outputs
Task 6.1: LCA According to the standard ISO 14040, Direct Applications 1. Goal and Scope definition LCA Framework 2. Inventory analysis 3. Impact Assessment 4. Interpretation Strategic planning Product/process development & improvement According to the standard ISO 14040, LCA consists of 4 phases Marketing Communication
Goal & scope definition Task 6.1: LCA Goal & scope definition Goal definition The purpose of the analysis The intended use of the results The study stakeholders Scope definition Product system to be studied Functions of the product system or, in the case of comparative studies, the systems Functional unit System boundary (process included)
Task 6.1: LCA The Functional Unit (FU) describes the primary function(s) fulfilled by a (product) system, and indicates how much of this function is to be considered in the intended LCA study. It will be used as a basis for selecting one or more alternative (es.process recipes) systems that can provide these function(s). The functional unit enables different systems to be treated as functionally equivalent and allows reference flows to be determined for each of them. Before setting the FU sometimes it is easier to start from the Technical Unit (TU), which more simply expresses an amount (e.g. unit mass, unit surface,… of manufactured product) FU and TU may be used for LCC according to analysis goal and scope
R2R US / R2R Spray / Batch US Task 6.1: LCA process Pilots Super Flex customised products R2R US / R2R Spray / Batch US Inputs from Geosphere & Technosphere: energy, raw materials, components, commercial parts semi-finished products Outputs emissions to air, to water, waste, by-products,
Task 6.1: LCA process Environmental burden Primary Energy (Renewable/not renewable) Raw Materials (Renewable/Not Renewable) Air Emissions Water Emissions Solid Waste Impacts To Local Scale (Noise, smell, … biodiversity, that are not calculated by lca, eco-toxiciy) Global Impact It is then possible to speak about environmental burden or impact of a process/product only when all these parameters are calculated and assessed.
Task 6.1: LCA process Tracking major sources of impact to provide indications to WP2 for sustainable design
Comparing different processing solutions and scenarios Task 6.1: LCA Comparing different processing solutions and scenarios
Task 6.1: LCA quantitative approach LCA Impact Parameters
Work Plan for the first year PRJ
Foreseen internal deliverables Purpose From / by To What Date Definition of system and system boundaries T6.1 prtnrs PRJ Provision of the pilots and processes layouts M6-M7 Identification of functional unit Detail description of product coating functionalities and targeted performance Data collection - Development of PROTECT Inventory Tool dedicated to the systems M8
Foreseen internal deliverables Purpose From / by To What Date Data collection PRJ T6.1 prtnrs Provision of the pilots dedicated inventories for data collection M6-M7 First data processing - First LCA elaborations M8-M9 inventory refinement Second Data collection M10 More refined pilots environmental profiling Start of refined data processing M11-M12
Foreseen internal meetings Purpose Place Participants Date Sharing of pilot US process Layout and NPs production (tele/ MAR, DGA, KLO, CENTI, CTEC, BIU, PRJ M1-M6 Tech specs and performance of products KLO, CDB, PER, PRJ Follow ups on data inventory collection M6-M12