Valga-Valka: 1 city 2 states Contribution to Estonian presentation VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N Valga-Valka: 1 city 2 states Contribution to Estonian presentation Session C03, Sevilla 22.03.2007 O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi Liane Rosenblatt Development Department Valga Town Government
LOCATION OF VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Valga has town rights since 1584. INTRODUCTION Valga has town rights since 1584. Valga and Valka are twin towns since 1920. Valga, situated in South-Estonia, and Valka, situated in North-Latvia are twin-towns located on the opposite sides of Estonian-Latvian border. The area of Valga is 16,5 km² and Valka is 14 km². Together we have approx. 21 000 inhabitants. The distance to Tartu is 89 km, Pärnu 144 km, Tallinn 245 km, Riga 175 km and Pskov 170 km. C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
MAP OF VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION Valga-Valka is well known as beautiful border town with many green parks, clean river Pedeli and large recreation area in the centre with lakes, swimming beaches and walking paths. There are also modern culture and hobby centre with theatre, cinema and conference halls, large sport halls and stadiums. We have some good restaurants and hotels in the area with very competitive prices. Valga-Valka has been long time an important logistics centre with railway and lorry transport companies. There are metal, wood, plastic and meat processing factories, clothes and shoe workshops, furniture and construction companies. We have 650 registered enterprises. C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Area of Valga town is 16,5 sq. km and catchment area is approx. with 40 km radius. Number of inhabitants is 14 400, of which 55% are women. Past 5-year trend is slow decrease that has stabilised by now thanks to large investments in public water and sewage networks, shopping centres and factories. Total area of living space in Valga town is approx. 402 000 sq. m. Average salary is 450 EUR per month that in comparison to capital city is 64%. Average unemployment rate is 4%. Average rent for flats is 2-4 EUR per sq. m. Past 5 year trend of rents and cost of real estate is increase of nearly 10 times. 2-rooms flat in 20-40 years old 3-5 floors dwelling house costs today 7 700 - 14 000 EUR. In lately constracted new dwelling house it costs approx. 55 000 EUR. Price is depending on location in the town. Flats with view over the river and lakes are more expensive. INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION Investment climate in Valga is good and interest is growing. Some investors have started purchasing flats with good location, offered on the market. There is high need for investments in Valga town. Administrative decision praxis is fast and supporting in Valga town. C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Phare CBC small project Common development plan of water systems for Valga area municipalities, 2003-2005 65 450 EUR 1 partner from Latvia and 7 from Estonia common development plan (until 2015) of water and sewerage systems for Valga area municipalities (Karula, Taheva, Hummuli, Puka, Sangaste and Tõlliste) is ready detail planning on Pedeli River Recreational Area and the report of environmental assessment on reconstruction works are ready website for public use of Valga and Valka environmental information published, the information booklet printed and different groups have been engaged in strategically planning of environment. INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Phare CBC grant scheme project Sustainable management of Pedeli River Basin in Cross Border Co-operation, 2003-2005 276 361 EUR 2 partners: Valga and Valka focused on common river Pedeli - a permanent border crosser strong co-operation between Valga and Valka Town Government, the specialists know one another and have experience of team work, new projects are prepared and financing proposals submitted Pedeli river expanded lake constructed on 1,93 ha with 44 600 m3 volume in Estonia 382 m of Pedeli river in Latvia is cleaned and 14 450 m3 of mud excavated out from river 2500 m of hiking trails, scholastic boards and other facilities established on Pedeli River Cross Border Recreational Area park lightening system with 50 lamp stands constructed INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N O B J E C T Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Phare CBC project in Latvia INTRODUCTION Phare CBC project in Latvia Development of cross border infrastructure in Valka-Valga, 2005-2006 160 988 EUR Elaboration of common development strategy for Valka – Valga Establishment of common public bus transport Feasibility study of common wastewater treatment system Improvement of cross-border communication possibilities C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN BSR INTERREG IIIA project Valga-Valka: 1 city 2 states, 2005-2007 917 985 EUR 5 different work pakages (WP) WP 1 Management WP 2 Spatial planning WP 3 Tourism development WP 4 Culture Education Sport WP 5 Health care Project management with joint secretariat Cross border spatial planning Further construction of Pedeli river recreational area Promotion of the area for tourists (souvenirs, book, leaflets, film and CDs) Common action plans (tourism, culture, education, sport and health care) INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN Objectives of Valga Cohesion Fund project 2003-2006 Expansion of Valga water network and sewerage 8 548 663 EUR, 56 km of pipelines have been constructed ~2000 new clients will be connected with modern water network Rate of population connected with water network will be raised to 75% Water leakage will be reduced 30% and danger on health will be reduced ~3500 new clients will be connected with sewerage and rate of population connected with sewerage will be raised to 75% Infiltration into sewerage will be reduced 50% Pollution of environment - soil, water and Pedeli river will be reduced Improving quality of life by providing water services of higher quality INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government
VALGA TOWN INTRODUCTION C O U N T R Y R E G I O N P R O J E C T S Meelis Linnamägi, Liane Rosenblatt, Development Department, Valga Town Government