LCAP Willow Creek Academy Board of Directors


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Presentation transcript:

2017-18 LCAP Willow Creek Academy Board of Directors April 4, 2017

LCAP Introduction Key Questions: What is our target? Where are we now? What do we need to do to get to our target? What steps are we taking to make sure our resources are spent efficiently as we work toward our target? In accordance with California Department of Education guidance, our LCAP Goals focus on these areas: Basic services Implementation of standards Family engagement Achievement Student engagement School climate Access to courses Other student outcomes Other local priorities In accordance with our Strategic Plan, we have incorporated these priorities into our LCAP and budget: 1. Increase student achievement 2. Ensure high school readiness 3. Hire, train and retain best staff 4. Optimize parent engagement Develop an inclusive school community Align resources to needs 7. Ensure financial stability

Let’s start by looking at data. Assessment data CAASPP, MAP, local assessments Survey data Family Survey, Middle School Student Survey Feedback from our community SSC, ELAC, Parent Council, Board of Directors All are critical to our LCAP engagement process.



MAP Math: Winter, 2017 Highlights Grade Norm RIT National Norm RIT WCA Norm RIT ELs at WCA Norm RIT FRPM at WCA 1 173.8 171.5 161.0 163.6 2 186.4 190.1 183.0 182.9 3 198.2 194.3 190.7 187.4 4 208.7 209.3 201.1 202.4 5 217.2 216.1 210.4 208.0 6 222.1 221.1 216.0 215.9 7 226.1 225.7 213.9 223.2 8 229.1 226.8 225.0 227.8 Highlights While our overall Norm RIT is on par with (or close to) the National Norm RIT, the Norm RIT scores for our ELs and low-income students are relatively low. Hot spots: 1st grade, 3rd grade, 7th grade.

MAP Reading: Winter, 2017 Highlights Grade Norm RIT Norm RIT WCA Norm RIT ELs at WCA Norm RIT FRPM at WCA 1 171.5 169.6 158.0 158.9 2 184.2 186.6 178.5 180.3 3 195.6 191.0 184.7 184.8 4 203.6 207.1 196.9 198.5 5 209.8 208.4 196.1 196.7 6 214.2 213.6 202.1 210.1 7 216.9 216.4 197.7 212.2 8 219.1 213.0 192 216.1 Highlights Again, our overall Norm RIT tracks closely with National Norm RIT scores. Hotspots for our sub-groups in reading: 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade (ELs), 7th grade (ELs), 8th grade (ELs).

MAP Language: Winter, 2017 Grade Norm RIT Norm RIT WCA Norm RIT ELs at WCA Norm RIT FRPM at WCA 2 184.9 189.2 178.5 180.3 3 196.8 193.0 184.7 187.1 4 204.4 204.8 196.9 5 209.7 204.6 196.1 192.1 6 213.9 212.5 202.1 209.3 7 216.5 213.5 197.7 210.8 8 218.1 215.1 192 221.1 Same story here. We need strategies/support for current 3rd graders, 5th graders, and middle school ELs. The good news is that we can address those concerns in our LCAP!

Family Survey and LCAP Workshop Feedback Family Survey feedback indicates high levels of satisfaction on these questions: Is your child happy to attend WCA? (94% = Absolutely or Mostly) Do you like the community overall? (85% = Absolutely or Mostly) Do you see your child learning? (84% = Absolutely or Mostly) Feedback was more mixed on these two questions: Does the homework support your child’s learning? (72% = Absolutely or Mostly) Have you gotten to know other families? (64% = Absolutely or Mostly) Assembly, middle school music, community “feel” got lots of positive feedback. Ongoing concerns include campus security, run-down facilities, need for academic differentiation. Community input sessions yielded feedback on a range of issues—some suggestions included: STEM lab, internships, student competitions, rethinking homework.

Student Survey When I am at school, I feel I am safe. (89% All the time or Most of the time) When I am at school, I feel like I belong. (82% All the time or Most of the time) When I am at school, I am recognized for my good work. (74% All the time or Most of the time) The work I do in class makes me think. (79% All the time or Most of the time) I feel very good work is expected at my school. (82% All the time or Most of the time; 18% Some of the time) Other students are friendly. (90% All the time or Most of the time)

Introducing. . . The Dashboard

Our Dashboard: Equity Report

Our Dashboard: Status and Change Report

LCAP Goal One: Math Achievement for low-income students and ELs Goal: Percentage of disaggregated students at standard in Math will rise by a minimum of 4 points annually (average over the three-year plan). Where are we now?

How will we achieve our Math goal? Current Plan Math Specialist provides site-based coaching and PD on standards-based curriculum, small group instruction, use of manipulatives, and differentiated homework Teachers leverage technology resources for differentiation. Lead Teachers support formative assessment (qualitative and quantitative data analysis). Teachers use common planning time to review data, student work samples, peer observations in cycle of inquiry. Primary Intervention Specialist identifies and case manages K-2 students needing support. Math Specialist holds a series of Family Math Workshops to help families understand Common Core methodology. Possible Additions for 2017-18 Add Common Core math session to Parent Council syllabus. Hold series of Family Math Workshops at Marin City location. Assistant teacher to partner with Math Specialist to facilitate small group instruction. Purchase College Prep Math curriculum for use in middle school--we got it free last year as a pilot! Extra-small fourth grade classes to address current third grade deficits.

LCAP Goal Two: English Language Arts Achievement for low-income students and ELs Goal: Percentage of disaggregated students at standard in ELA will rise by a minimum of 4 points annually (average over the three-year plan). Where are we now?

How will we achieve our Language Arts goal? Current Plan Literacy Specialist provides site-based coaching and PD on standards-based curriculum, trains Assistant Teachers as “literacy deputies.” Teachers leverage technology resources for differentiation. Literacy Specialist coaches Writers Workshop leadership group. Lead Teachers support formative assessment (qualitative and quantitative data analysis). Teachers use common planning time to review data, student work samples, peer observations in cycle of inquiry. Primary Intervention Specialist identifies and case manages K-2 students needing support. Literacy Specialist and Library Assistant hold Family Literacy Night. Possible Additions for 2017-18 Raising a Reader to support home-school literacy connections Common Core ELA session to Parent Council syllabus K-1 Summer Academy for strategically selected students Extra-small fourth grade classes to address current third grade deficits. Designated ELD curriculum for middle school.

How will we ensure our resources are spent efficiently as we work toward our academic goals? All PD is local; most PD is site-based. Math and Literacy Specialists provide coaching and PD in collaboration with Marin Coaching Consortium. Literacy Specialist trains Assistant Teachers to administer one-on-one assessments and to provide small-group support in class. Most technology resources are already in place (for assessment and differentiated instruction). Lead Teachers support data analysis and targeted support for grade-level families. Master Schedule prioritizes common planning time. Teachers have release time to visit other schools and programs. Restructured Middle School optimizes learning by preventing misconduct and providing needed support.

LCAP Priority: English Learner Achievement Goal: ELs continuously enrolled at WCA will advance by at least one CELDT level each year. Our reclassification rate will meet or exceed the state target of .22. Where are we now? In 2015-16, 82% of ELs progressed at least one CELDT level. Our reclassification rate in 2015-16 was .19. In 2016-17, 48% of ELs progressed at least one CELDT level. Our reclassification rate in 2016-17 was .24.

How will we achieve our English Learner achievement goal? Current Plan Teachers provide robust ELD instruction integrated across the curriculum in class. Teachers attend Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) training and share strategies with peers. Administration closely monitors our EL students’ progress on state and local assessments and facilitates Reclassification process annually. Primary Intervention Specialist provides designated ELD instruction in K-2. Teachers implement standards-based curriculum aligned to ELD standards. Possible Additions for 2017-18 GLAD “Deep Dive” professional development Designated ELD curriculum for 6-8 K-1 Summer Academy for strategically selected students

How will we ensure our resources are spent efficiently as we work toward our ELD goal? Teachers attend GLAD training offered by MCOE Title III Consortium and return to share strategies with colleagues (train-the-trainer model). Lead Teachers support data analysis and cycles of inquiry in grade-level families. Literacy Specialist provides coaching and feedback on integrated ELD. Primary Intervention Specialist conducts CELDT testing, provides designated ELD, and case manages ELs in grades K-2.

LCAP Priority: School Climate Goal: Our suspension rate for low-income students will drop and maintain at .05, per U.S. Department of Education guidelines. Where are we now? In 2014-15, our suspension rate for low-income students was .05. In 2015-16, our suspension rate for low-income students was .08. To date in 2016-17, our suspension rate for low-income students is .04.

Digging Deeper: School Climate 5.1 percent of 39 is 2. 10.3 percent of 39 is 4.

And deeper still. . . As of April 1, 2017 we have had 35 total referrals and 15 total suspensions (11 unique students suspended). At this same time last year, we had 61 total referrals and 21 total suspensions (14 unique students suspended).

How will we achieve our School Climate goal? Current Plan Responsive Classroom and Restorative Practices Partnerships with families and community-based organizations (CBOs) Counseling with BACR (individual and small group) Tier one and two intervention from Student Support Specialists (SSSs) under guidance of Assistant Head of School Student Study Teams (SSTs) to address root causes of misconduct Structuring classes and schedules to prevent misconduct 2.6 FTE Student Support Specialists Possible Additions for 2017-18 .4 FTE Student Support Specialist

How will we ensure our resources are spent efficiently as we work toward our School Climate goal? Administration encourages local Responsive Classroom PD for new teachers. Student Support Specialists facilitate partnerships with Community Based Organizations to provide free services on campus. Student Support Specialists provide early intervention and partner with families to channel resources strategically. Counseling is provided through interns supervised by Bay Area Community Resources (BACR). Schedules and class assignments are developed strategically. Assistant Head of School facilitates SST meetings as Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. Assistant Head of School coordinates socio-emotional learning and discipline systems, trains Student Support Specialists as “restorative justice deputies.” Assistant Head of School will focus on increasing ADA: morning calls, home visits, positive acknowledgement for excellent/improved attendance, Independent Study, truancy and SARB notification.

LCAP Priority: Equitable Course Access LCAP Goal: All students will participate in designated Music, Art, and PE courses. All students will participate in field trips aligned to Willow Creek’s scope and sequence. All students will have access to garden and nutrition program, including high-quality school lunches. Middle school students will participate in Spanish classes. Current Plan Art (.8 FTE), Music (1.0 FTE), and PE (2.0 FTE) classes. Spanish classes in grades 6-8. Classroom budgets for fieldtrips, assemblies, and guest speakers. Garden and nutrition classes. High-quality school meals program Possible Additions for 2017-18 .2 FTE Art teacher Garden and nutrition coordinator Science lab

School Operations LCAP Goal: High-quality instruction will be supported by efficient maintenance, custodial, scheduling, and administrative resources. Where are we now? As our school has grown from 252 students in 2011-12 to 400 students in 2016-17, we have needed to add resources to support school operations. With many resources in place, our goal now is to leverage them as efficiently as possible as we grow to our projected enrollment of 415. Family survey data indicate facilities are an area of need. Teacher survey data indicate sharing space has become challenging as the school has grown. Current Plan Maintain current maintenance, custodial, and administrative staff (includes receptionist, data assistant, and part-time business assistant) Possible Additions for 2017-18 .6 FTE grounds and maintenance support staff

To Recap: Possible Additions Additions for LCAP Year 2016-17 One Primary Intervention Specialist (K-2) to provide academic intervention and CELDT testing Two middle school teachers to support 6th grade block schedule, 8th grade split, and common planning time via preps Middle school music teacher Benchmark designated ELD curriculum for K-5 Possible Additions for LCAP Year 2017-18 1.0 FTE Assistant Teacher to facilitate small-group math instruction and support 5th grade .4 FTE Student Support Specialist (bring current SSS to full-time) .2 FTE Art Teacher (bring current teacher to full-time) .2 Garden Coordinator (hire the current Garden Coordinator, who is currently on a grant) .6 FTE Grounds and Maintenance Staff Contract with Raising a Reader Implement K-1 Summer Academy Add designated ELD curriculum for middle school Develop Science lab

Thank you!