RF-OCS-111 SOE 2017, June 10-13 Presented By Dr. Joobin Khadamy Determining the frequency of dry eye in computer users and comparing with control group Mohammad Hossein Davari, MD1; Ghasem Karimi, MD1; Seyed Hamid Sajjadi, MD1 Department of Ophthalmology, Vali-e-Asr Hospital, Birjand University of Medical Science (BIUMS), Birjand City, South Khorasan, Iran. Eye Research Center, Rassoul Akram hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran No financial interest in any material discussed. RF-OCS-111 SOE 2017, June 10-13 Presented By Dr. Joobin Khadamy
introduction The increasing use of computers in the last decade has become an integral part of modern life. Eye problems resulting from the use of computers are known as Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS). The most common symptoms are eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and neck or shoulder pain. Red eye, blurred vision, double vision, and eye irritation are common. Sheedy JE. Vision problems at video display terminals: A survey of optometrists. J Am Optom Assoc, 63(10):687-692, 1992. Salibello C, Nilsen E. Is there a typical VDT patient? A demographic analysis. J Am Optom Assoc, 66(8):479-83, 1995.
introduction One study found that about 90% of the 70 million computer users in America work with computer more than 3 hours a day so that they have symptoms of CVS. The dry eye can result from excessive use of computer and TV screens, etc. It is estimated that CVS can reduce performance on specific task by 40%. Aaras, A., Horgen, G., & Ro O. (2000). Work with visual display unit: Health consequences. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction 12, 107-134.
purpose To compare prevalence of dry eye and other ocular symptoms in subjects with chronic computer work and subjects with out history of long term frequent computer work
methods A non randomized case-control study was performed on individuals who used computer daily less than 6 months (control) and more than 6 months (cases) The subjects underwent full ophthalmic exam including Schirmer test ( 5 minute w/o drop) and TBUT and their history and computer work habits were recorded.
Results A total 304 individual (152 per group) were recruited. Dry eyes was significantly higher in computer users group 3.3% (5) vs 61.8% (94); (p=0.0001). Eye symptoms was significantly higher in computer users group 7.9% (12) vs 34.2% (52); (p=0.0001). Dry eye was not correlated with gender and age in computer users(p=0.8).
Results Table 2- comparing frequency distribution of symptoms and signs in computer users and control group User Frequency (percentage) Non-user Sum Result of Chi square test Eye dryness (61.8) 94 3.3)) 55 (32.6) 99 0.0001=p Symptoms All (34.2) 52 (7.9) 12 (21.1) 64 Tearing (89.4) 42 (10.6) 5 (15.4) 47 Redness (87.8) 36 (12.2) 5 (13.4) 41 Eye pain (93.9) 31 (6.1) 2 (10.8) 33 Blurred vision (90.3) 28 (90.7) 3 (10.1) 31 Double vision (82.4) 14 (17.6) 3 (5.5) 17 0.006=p Dry eye (96.9) 31 (3.1) 1 (10.5) 32 Muscle pain
Results Table 3. comparing frequency distribution of dry eye in computer users in terms of age groups Age group Under 25 years (percentage) 26-35 years Over 36 years Sum Result of Chi square test Dry eye (56.4) 22 (61) 50 (71) 22 (61) 94 0.1=p Table 4. comparing frequency distribution of dry eye in computer users in terms of gender Gender Male (percentage) Female Sum Result of Chi square test Dry eye (60) 36 (63) 58 (61.68) 94 0.8=p
Results Patients with dry eye mean working hour with computer per day was 6.65 ± 3.52 hours, while it was 1.62 ± 2.54 hours in control group (p=0.0001). Table 5. comparing frequency distribution of working hours with computer control and computer users groups Working hour User (percentage) Non-user sum Chi square test 1 to 3 (22.4) 34 (100) 152 (61.2) 186 P<0.0001 4 to 6 (38.8) 59 (0) 0 (19.4) 59 Over 7
Conclusions Prevalence of dry eye among routine long-term computer users is high. Many do not have good knowledge and attitude on visual ergonomics. We would like to recommend that preventive measures to be taught by ophthalmologists and taken by computer users to reduce the prevalence of CVS and dry eye among them.