Genre Report Jenny Yang 2011
The Hundred Penny Box by Sharon Bell Mathis Realistic Fiction Published by the Penguin Group Copyright Date 1938 Number Pages 47
Setting Our book is set in modern times. All the action takes place at Michael’s house. I think the year of this book is 1974 because Aunt Dew was born in 1874 and now she is 100 years old.
Characters The main characters are Michael and Aunt Dew. The characters in our story are believable because they do things that people do in real life. The characters in our story I like the most is Michael because he relates with his Aunt Dew and nice to her. I relate with Michael because he is nice to his Aunt and so am I. I have felt the way Michael did when his mom yelled at him because I was yelled at by my mom too.
Plot The problem in the story is that Michael’s mom tried to take Aunt Dew’s treasured Hundred Penny Box and burn it because she thought it was old and nasty . The resolution in the story is that Michael hid the Hundred Penny Box so his mom could not burn it. The problem was solved when Michael took the Penny Box out of his room and hide it under his bed.
Plot 1. Michael’s mom tried to take the Hundred Penny box. 2. Michael turn against his mom for Aunt Dew’s Hundred Penny box. 3. Michael wanted hide the Hundred Penny box but Aunt Dew would not let him. 4. Aunt Dew crying because Michael’s mom was being mean to her. 5. Michael’s mom was crying because Aunt Dew wouldn't call her by her name. 6. Michael’s mom wanted to take the Hundred Penny box and burn it in the furnace. 7. Each year on Aunt Dews birthday she adds a penny to her Penny box. I like the end of the story it is comforting and a little sad.
Personal Opinion What I like best about this book that it is good, happy and a little sad. I would not change anything about this book. The thing I learned about this book is that if you love something you should fight for it. I think everybody should read this book because it is a story about caring others.