New Deal Programs A.A.A T.V.A C.C.C N.I.R.A – N.R.A. Deficit Spending
New Deal Goal #2 Relief for the needy Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) Raise prices by lowering production Paid farmers to NOT use all of their land Some crops were already growing Paid farmers $200 million to plow under 10 million acres of cotton Slaughter 6 million pigs This program hurt sharecroppers because they did not own their own land
AAA cont. Succeeded in raising gross income by 50% Reduced farm debts by $1 billion
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps Men 18-25 worked on building new roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping with soil erosion and flood control projects Earned $30/month $25 was sent directly home 3 million workers from 1933-1942
T.V.A Tennessee Valley Authority Plan to transform the Tennessee Valley Development of power by using dams Needed to help with flood & erosion control Develop agriculture in that area as well
NIRA - NRA National Industrial Recovery Act June 1933 Provided $$ for states to create jobs for creating new schools and other public buildings Provided $$ to pay for new teachers Built more than ½ million miles of roads Created an employment program
NRA National Recovery Administration Part of the NIRA Set prices and standards Stopped wage cutting, falling prices, and layoffs Gov’t took control of businesses Business and labor agreed on a code of fair working practices Allowed for organization of workers Blue eagle was the symbol of the NRA
Deficit Spending Spending more money than the gov’t received in revenues Did not end the Depression Caused more problems in some cases