The Trojan War
The Actual Trojan War Took place from about 1260 BC–1250 BC Archaeological remains provide evidence that there was a war but cause unknown Scholars believe the war began over control of the trade route between the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea between the Trojans and Greeks Ancient mythology states that the war began over a single woman, Helen, queen of Sparta
King Peleus marries sea nymph Thetis Peleus had to marry Thetis, because it was prophesized that if Zeus or Poseidon married Thetis, she would have a son that would be greater than its father Thetis has a son with Peleus, his name is Achilles Zeus decides to throw a wedding party for Peleus and Thetis and all the gods of Olympus are invited, except Eris (evil goddess of discord)
Eris’ Trick Eris throws a golden apple with the words “For the Fairest” into the banquet hall Three goddesses claim the apple (Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera) To settle the dispute Zeus decides to send them to Paris, prince of Troy, and to let him decide who deserves the apple.
The Judgment of Paris The goddesses appear to Paris and ask him to choose. They each try to bribe Paris Hera offers power and domination over the continent of Asia Athena offers wisdom Aphrodite offers to give Parris the most beautiful woman in the world.
Paris Chose Aphrodite
Complications What Aphrodite did not tell Paris was that this beautiful woman was already married Helen of Sparta, married to King Menelaus So, on a diplomatic mission to Sparta, Paris abducted Helen and took her back to Troy
Helen’s Suitors Helen had had scores of suitors, and her father was unwilling to choose one for fear the others would retaliate violently. Finally, one of the suitors, Odysseus of Ithaca, proposed a plan to solve the dilemma. He suggested that Helen’s father allow Helen to choose her husband. It also required all of Helen's suitors to promise that they would defend the marriage of Helen, regardless of whom she chose.
Off to War The suitors and Menelaus (Helen’s husband) unite with Agamemnon (Menelaus’ brother) to go and bring Helen back to Sparta. They launch 1000 ships to Troy
Reluctant Soldiers Thetis was scared of her son, Achilles, going to war. She dresses him as a woman and hides him. Achilles is discovered when he is seen admiring weapons from a trader. Odysseus just had a son and did not want to go to war. So he pretended he was crazy. When they saw Odysseus acting crazy, they put his newborn son Telemachus in certain danger. When Odysseus went to save Telemachus, they knew he wasn’t crazy.
The Gods Take Sides TROJANS (Paris, Hector) GREEKS Aphrodite Ares Apollo Artemis Zeus (favored, but stayed neutral to please Hera) GREEKS (Achilles, Odysseus) Hera Athena Poseidon
The Bloody Battle War lasts for 10 years Hand-to-Hand combat There were periods of truce, where both sides would bury the dead There was no fighting after sunset.
The ILIAD The Iliad as told by Homer is about a 41 day period in the 10th year of the Trojan War. Agamemnon (Greek Leader) and Achilles argue. Achilles refuses to fight. Patroclus, Achilles’ cousin, wears Achilles armor and leads his men into battle. Patroclus is killed by Hector (Trojan Leader), because he thinks that he is Achilles. Hector kept Achilles’ armor as a trophy. Thetis, Achilles’ mother, has Hephaestus make armor for Achilles.
Iliad (Cont.) Achilles angered over the death of his cousin, challenges Hector to a duel where Hector is killed. Achilles ties Hector’s body to his chariot and drags it around Troy, refusing to give it back to his father, Priam, for burial. This angers the gods. Priam sneaks into the Greek camp and has to beg Achilles for his son’s body. Achilles finally gives in.
After The Iliad Achilles enters the city of Troy and begins to kill everyone he sees The gods have seen enough and with their help, Paris shoots a poisoned arrow into Achilles’ heel (his one weak point). Achilles, the great Greek hero, was dead.
The Judgment of Arms A contest is held among the Greeks for who will win Achilles’ armor. The two frontrunners are Odysseus and Ajax. Odysseus beats Ajax in a close contest. Ajax, mad because he lost to Odysseus, went insane and killed himself.
The Prophecies The Greeks decide to turn to prophets to help them destroy Troy They say that to destroy Troy they need to do two things: -Remove the Palladium (a statue of Athena) from the alter of Troy -Use the bow of Hercules
The Beginning of the End During the night, Odysseus sneaks into the city and steals the Palladium. Philoctetes retrieves Hercules’ bow and uses it to kill Paris. However the walls of Troy could not be penetrated, so another way was needed.
Clever Odysseus Odysseus comes up with the idea to build a giant wooden horse. (Horses were sacred to the Trojans). They built the horse and decided to hide 30 men in the horse including Odysseus. The rest of the Greeks got in their ships and sailed just out of sight of the Trojans.
Caught? The plot was almost spoiled by Laocoön, a Trojan priest, who guessed the Greeks plot. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” Poseidon, wanting to help the Greeks win the war, sent a sea monster to kill Laocoön before he would warn the Trojans.
The Fall of Troy The Trojans thinking they won the war, brought the horse into the city and partied. That night, the Greek ships came back, while the men in the horse got out and opened the gates of Troy The Greeks killed everyone they could and burned the city to the ground.
Sinful Pride Odysseus glad the war is finally over is ready to go home. However, he refuses to give thanks to Poseidon for helping him win the war. Odysseus says that he won the war with no help from the gods. This angers Poseidon and he will make Odysseus journey home a hard one.
The Odyssey The Odyssey is an epic poem that is credited to Homer about the journeys of Odysseus after the Trojan War. Odysseus spends 10 more years trying to reach Ithaca (his home) Considered one of the greatest stories of Ancient Greece
What is an Epic? A long narrative poem Has a central heroic figure Contains events of heroic deeds or deeds significant to the culture.
Traits of an Epic Statement of a Theme The invocation/prayer to the Muse Beginning IN MEDIAS RES (In the middle) Vast setting Supernatural forces Great deeds of valor and courage A hero of imposing stature
Examples of Epics and Epic Heroes -Star Wars -Indiana Jones -Lord of the Rings -Harry Potter -Halo Epic Heroes -Master Chief -Luke Skywalker -Superman -Mario -Link/Zelda