Recap: How Can I Be Online And Keep Safe? M EETING A CCEPTING R ELIABLE T ELL
Cyberbullying – what does it mean? Cyberbullying is when cruel messages or pictures are sent using technology such as mobile phones or computers. The messages are meant to hurt, embarrass, threaten, humiliate or intimidate their victim. Social Media Chats
Is it different to other types of bullying? No, not really. Bullying is hurtful behaviour that happens Several Times On Purpose
But… Unlike normal bullying, the messages can spread very quickly to a lot of people… And be very upsetting… Role-play at the front with a few children from Year 6.
This week I have had 4 Whatsapp’s saying Real life Here are a few things that have been sent to children who have been cyberbullied. Think about how you would feel if it were you. I told my friend my Facebook password and when we fell out she emailed nasty messages to my other friends so now they are not talking to me. Someone took a picture of me being pushed, over on their phone and sent it to everyone in my class. Someone keeps ringing my phone laughing and hanging up. I don’t know who it is. This week I have had 4 Whatsapp’s saying “I hate you”.
Action – What Should I do? The first step is to tell someone – be SMART You can tell an adult, a friend, or report the bully to the website. Then… Block the bully from your phone, chats, Facebook etc Keep the messages as evidence Don’t share your passwords with anyone. Don’t reply
Getting Rid of Cyberbullying Think carefully about what you say and write online and in texts. If anyone shows you a cruel message or picture, don’t laugh, show it to other people or forward it on, report it. Send or forward nice messages and you’ll probably get one back
Stand up to cyberbullying