Introduction to Motion and Time Study Chapter 1 Introduction to Motion and Time Study
Introduction Lean Manufacturing: is a concept whereby all production people work together to eliminate waste. Much of the force behind the lean manufacturing environment is attributable to Shigeo Shingo and his work in industrial engineering at Toyota. Also called TOYOTA Production System (TPS)
Introduction Waste: Any activity that doesn’t add value, or is unproductive. Muda is the Japanese word for waste Waste reduction (or elimination) will increase profitability. Eliminating waste can be achieved by different tools (Lean Manufacturing Tools) In this course we will learn the tools of the motion and time study to be employed on the lean manufacturing
The Seven Types of Wastes The Waste Definition Over Production Producing more than needed or Producing faster than needed (need storage place, can be damaged, lost, no sale) Over processing Effort Which Adds No Value to a Product or Service. (Customers not welling to pay for these efforts) Inventory Any Supply in Excess. (money tied up in inventory, holding costs, may damage or lost) Waiting Idle Time, including man wait time and machine wait time. Motion Any Movement of People Which Does Not Contribute Added Value to the Product or Service. Transportation Any Material Movement That Does Not Directly Support a Lean Manufacturing System, or achieve direct value. (a risk of damaged, lost, delayed, Also need assets to move such as equipments and/or workers ). Rework Repair of a Product or Service To Fulfill Customer requirements (rework costs, rescheduling production)
Other Types of Wastes The Waste Definition Breakdown Poor maintenance Lake of skill Unskilled workers Unsafe work Causes lost work hours Poor information Poor Information system, poor communication Loss of Material If expensive Unused Capacity (unused spaces, unused machines)
Introduction Motion study is how to eliminate waste in the efforts and movements of human employee. The aim is to develop the best working method. Macromotion studies: studies of overall factory flow or process Micromotion studies: detail studies of operations. Time standard: is the time required to produce a product at a work station with the following conditions: a qualified operator, working at normal pace, and doing a specific job.
Introduction Motion and time study techniques helps in: Reducing cost and Make work smoother and safer. Reduce cost of tasks can be achieved by eliminating it, combine it with other task or rearrange tasks. The attitude of industrial engineer is that always there is a room for improvement and cost reduction keeping the quality on mind. ( Assignment: read chapter 16) One evidence of the effectiveness of motion study, is the development of material handling system.
Time standards helps in decision making: Introduction Time standards helps in decision making: For example: management needs time standards, even before production starts, to determine: How many people to hire How many machines to buy How fast to move conveyers How to divide work among employees How much the product will cost. And after production starts: How much cost reduction will return. Who works the hardest. Why?
Introduction Part of motion study is motion economy which objective is to developed a workstation that is friendly and efficient to operation Method standards and work design engineer concerns with combining the lowest production cost with employee satisfaction Ergonomics principles are used to develop motion economy Safety is one important issue in motion study
Introduction Motion and time study is considered to be the backbone of industrial engineering, because the information generated affects so many other areas, including: Cost estimating Production and inventory control Plant layout Materials and processes Quality Safety
Introduction Different techniques will be utilized in motion and time study: Process charts, flow diagrams, operations charts, workstation design, flow patterns, etc. Predetermined time standards system (PTSS), stopwatch time study, work sampling time study, standard data formula, etc. Motion and time study is usually conducted before taking new decision on buying machines or hire extra labor