Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Gifted and Talented Education NJAGC 26th Annual Conference March 17, 2017 Michael F. Kaelber, Esq. Director, Legal & Labor Relations Services, NJSBA mkaelber@njsba.org New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) P.L. 114-95, Enacted December 10, 2015, amending: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994 (IASA) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s Retained from NCLB? Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program Provides grant funds for students typically underrepresented in gifted and talented programs; minority, economically disadvantaged, English language learners, students with disabilities New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s Retained from NCLB? Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program Provides support for the National Center for Research on Gifted Education 2015 - $ 10,000,000 appropriated; $ 1,000,000 research, $4,000,000 new, $ 5,000,000 continuation New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s Retained from NCLB? Title I Committee of Practitioners – Advises in State Plan Development NCLB Advisory Council NCLB School Improvement Advisory Council LEA representatives, Administrators, Principals, Parents, Board of Education members, Private and Charter Schools New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s Retained from NCLB? Title I Committee of Practitioners – Advises in State Plan Development Education Associations and Higher Education Groups no longer members No subcommittees Focus on development of ESSA State Plan for 2017-2018 ESSA Stakeholder Focus Group meetings G&T Representative? LEA representatives, Administrators, Principals, Parents, Board of Education members, Private and Charter Schools New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s Retained from NCLB? Title I Committee of Practitioners – Advises in State Plan Development ESSA Stakeholder Focus Group meetings Three meetings to date, next meeting November 16; NJAGC participation NJAGC representative meeting with DOE officials – August 9; Promise article New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s New in ESSA? Title I – LEA plans on use of funds may specifically may include how the LEA will assist schools in identifying and serving G&T students State plan development – advocacy Local plan development – advocacy New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s New in ESSA? Title I – Disaggregation of state assessment student achievement data at each achievement level on state and local report cards May identify need for access to advanced coursework and gifted education programming New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s New in ESSA? Title II – Professional Development SEA plan shall address how the state educational agency will improve the skills of teachers, principals and other school leaders in order to enable them to identify…students who are gifted and talented … and provide instruction based on the needs of such students. Includes teacher preparation programs. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s New in ESSA? Title II – Professional Development LEA plan shall address the learning needs of all students, including…gifted and talented students including training in: Identification; gifted-specific instructional practices such as enrichment, acceleration, curriculum compacting and dual or concurrent enrollment New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Gifted & Talented Education What’s New in ESSA? ESSA Federal Regulations Published in the Federal Register May 31, 2016 “Supporting Excellent Educators” – cites G&T; SEA, LEA plans; educator preparation programs New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:8-3.1(a)(5) Identification G&T Students, K-12 Multiple measures – e.g. teacher/parent recommendation, performance, testing Provide Appropriate Instructional G&T Adaptations and Educational Services - K-12 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:8-3.1(a)(5) Develop Curricular and Instructional Modifications to NJ Student Learning Standards – G&T Content, Process, Products and Learning Environment New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:8-3.1(a)(5)(6) Consideration of NAGC Standards New Jersey Commission on Programs for Gifted Students January 2005 Actively Assist and Support Professional Development for teachers, educational services staff and school leaders New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.7(b)(3) Equality in School and Classroom Practices Reducing or preventing the underrepresentation of minority, female and male students in all classes and programs including gifted and talented, accelerated and advanced classes. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:7-15-1.4(g) Bilingual Programs for Limited English Proficient Students Additional programs and services shall be designed to meet the special needs of eligible LEP students and include, but not limited to, remedial instruction through Title I programs; special education; school-to-work programs; computer training; and gifted and talented education services. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
Gifted and Talented in New Jersey Board Implementation N.J.A.C. 6A:30 -1.1 et. seq. New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum Instruction and Program # 18 The district requires and verifies that instruction for all students is based on the district’s curriculum, instructional materials, media and school library resources and includes instructional strategies, activities, and content that meet individual student needs including Individual Education Plans (IEP). “All students” includes those students with disabilities, English language learners, gifted and talented students and students in alternative education programs. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification Instructional Certificate – no specific endorsement required Rutgers Continuing Studies Gifted Education Certificate Program gifteded.rutgers.edu New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification School Business Administrators N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-12.7 (i) The requirements listed in (a) through (h) above shall not apply to persons who hold standard administrative certificates with the following endorsements issued before September 1, 1991: school business administrator, assistant superintendent for business, or assistant executive superintendent with specialization in business administration. Holders of those endorsements shall be entitled prospectively to apply for all positions in the general category of business administration. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification School Business Administrators N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-12.7 (j) Board secretaries who lack certification but were assigned prior to September 1, 1991, to perform business administration functions as described in N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-12.3(d) shall be permitted to retain indefinitely their positions in the districts in which they were employed prior to September 1, 1991. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification Athletic Directors N.J.S.A. 18A:26-2.1 To be eligible for appointment as the director of athletics in any public secondary school an applicant shall possess a supervisory certificate issued by the State Board of Examiners. N.J.S.A. 18A:26-2.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1 of this act, any individual who possesses a New Jersey teacher's certificate and who is employed as a director of athletics in a public high school prior to the effective date of this act may continue to be so employed. “Third school year following enactment” New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification School Athletic Trainer N.J.S.A. 18A:26-2.4 To be eligible for appointment by a board of education as a school athletic trainer in any public school, an applicant shall possess an educational services certificate issued by the State Board of Examiners. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any person who is employed as a school athletic trainer in a public school prior to the effective date of P.L.1999, c.87 (C.18A:26-2.4 et al.) may continue to be so employed pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.18A:28-4. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification Buildings and Grounds Supervisor N.J.S.A. 18A:17-50 Commencing September 1, 2002, no person shall be employed by a board of education of a school district as a buildings and grounds supervisor unless he is a certified educational facilities manager; except that when a vacancy occurs in a position in which the duties of a buildings and grounds supervisor are performed, a board may select, for a period not to exceed two years and commencing on the date of the vacancy, a person who is not a certified educational facilities manager to perform on an interim basis, the duties of a buildings and grounds supervisor. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification Buildings and Grounds Supervisor N.J.S.A. 18A:17- 49 Certified educational facilities manager" means a person who meets any one of the following criteria: i. has served as a buildings and grounds supervisor in a school district continuously for the five years prior to September 1, 2002; or ii. is a code enforcement official licensed by the Department of Community Affairs and is serving as a building and grounds supervisor on the effective date of P.L.1999, c.337 (C.18A:17-49 et seq.); or New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
G&T Teacher Certification Buildings and Grounds Supervisor N.J.S.A. 18A:17- 49 Certified educational facilities manager" means a person who meets any one of the following criteria: iii. has a minimum of two years of experience in the field of buildings and grounds supervision and has graduated as a certified educational facilities manager from the New Jersey Educational Facility Management Program at Rutgers , The State University or has graduated from an equivalent program offered at either an accredited institution of higher education or an approved post-secondary institution located within or outside of the State. New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914
ESSA and Gifted and Talented Education Questions? New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914