What is Hep C Dave Stafford
What is Hep C Blood Borne Virus It is a viral infection, that affects the liver. It causes the liver to become inflamed and prevents the liver working effectively Different types/ strains of the hep C virus these are called Genotypes Hepatitis C is more infectious than HIV Can live out the body for 63 days It can cause serious health problems like liver disease There is no vaccine for Hep C
How is Hep C Transmitted It is transmitted through blood to blood contact. It can be transmitted through: Contaminated injecting equipment Contaminated snorting equipment Contaminated smoking equipment. Crack pipes unsafe sex Blood transfusions Body piercing/ tattoo Tooth brushes/ razors 70% of people diagnosed with hep c are injecting drug users in Ireland.
Symptoms You can have Hep C and show no symptoms Most people will show no symptoms when they first are infected, and can go unnoticed for a number of years before showing any. Some symptoms are: Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting Fever Abdominal pain/ swelling Jaundice Tiredness/Fatigue It is very important to get tested for hep c as these symptoms can be related to other illnesses
Stages of Infection There are 2 stages of Hepatics C virus Stage 1 Acute stage: This occurs right after infection. Lasts for about 6 months Only 20% of people will clear the virus in this stage naturally Can have flue like symptoms or show no symptoms at all. Stage 2 Chronic stage When someone is infected for longer than 6 months they enter the chronic stage. 80% of people move into this stage. Treatment is then required to eliminate the virus
Testing The first test required is a Anti-HCV. This looks for traces of antibodies. If you test positive this does not mean you have the virus, it means you have come in contact. HCV-RNA: This test will determine if you have the hepatitis C virus. HCV-Viral Load: This test measures the RNA particles in the blood.
Hepatitis A Hepatitis A&B are also viruses that effect the liver Hepatitis A can be caught through contaminated food and water Hepatitis A is passed through 1)Dirty hands 2) Bad hygiene Symptoms of Hepatitis A: Diarrhoea Vomiting This can last up to 1-4 weeks Can only get hepatitis A once in your life It is not life threatening . People who have liver damage or elderly people can be more severely effected There is a vaccine for Hep A which will cover you for 10 years
Hepatitis B Blood born virus May have it for a long time without knowing it Transmitted through unprotected sexual activities and sharing injecting equipment Symptoms of hep b : Diarrhoea Vomiting Exhaustion Jaundice There is an effective vaccine which provides 5 years protection