FY2018 Budget Development Update January 5, 2017
Current FY2017 Budget Enrollment is up slightly based on the September 30, 2016 projected enrollment. FY2017 Budget based on enrollment of 7,020 students, but the September 30, 2016 enrollment of 7,118 students has been adjusted based on historical data to be 7,095 students. Governor’s budget includes adjustments to the FY2017 revenue projections which results in lower funding from the state for Henry County Public Schools. Overall increase of 76 students. This means our funding from the state will be increased if the enrollment has not declined by our next measure of the March 30, 2015 ADM.
Looking Forward to FY2018
Henry County Public Schools Vision Henry County Public Schools where critical thinking is expected, creativity is nurtured, technology and innovation are embraced, and learning is celebrated. Mission Henry County Public Schools, a high-performing school division, provides all students with an exemplary education in a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation, and excellence.
FY2018 Budget Priorities Goal 1: High Quality Instruction Evaluate instructional initiatives and align funding to deliver a rigorous, relevant instructional program for all students. Continue to cultivate an engaging and equitable learning environment that promotes critical thinking, innovation, creativity, collaboration, and communication in order to prepare students for college, career, and life. Goal 2: High Quality Professionals Maintain competitive salaries and benefits to support our ability to recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse workforce. Invest in ongoing professional development to maximize employee job performance.
FY2018 Budget Priorities – Cont’d Goal 3: Safe and Orderly Learning Environment Provide a safe, healthy, and inviting learning environment for students, staff and the community. Address critical operational and capital needs to sustain an efficient and supportive learning environment for students, while protecting our investments. Goal 4: Innovative and Cutting-Edge Technology Continue investing in the technological infrastructure and support systems to prepare our students for success in an ever-changing, global environment.
FY2018 Budget Priorities – Cont’d Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement Provide families and the community with access to the necessary tools to actively engage in supporting the education of students in Henry County Public Schools.
Governor’s Proposed Budget
FY2018 Budget Outlook VRS rate increase from 14.66% to 16.32% Health insurance premiums – should know the rate for FY2018 by early February Continued increase in utility costs and unpredictability of fuel costs Continued challenge to find funding to meet our increasing capital needs
FY2018 Budget Priorities from Schools/Departments Increase funding for Ed and Rec Increase funding for Capital Outlay for schools Increase Instruction budget-all schools for current initiatives Additional teacher/guidance counselor for CCL Additional days for ITRTs Elementary secretary/bookkeepers positions change from 10 month to 12 month position Horticulture teacher for FCMS Spanish teacher for MVHS Additional elementary teacher based on enrollment Athletic Trainer for sporting events ($18,000 per school)
FY2018 Budget Priorities from Schools/Departments Central Office Additional HR/payroll data technical person Funding for college guides - $10,000 for each high school Additional funding for technology sustainability plan and expansion of 1:1 devices at the high school level Increase part-time secretary to full time secretary for Transportation Donna Hicks – Specialists$10,000 Lewis/Motley – Facilitators Fultz - Teacher
FY2018 Budget Priorities from Schools/Departments Salary/Stipends, pending available funding Adjust select technology positions (not including ITRT’s) to market Adjust nurse coordinator from 11 month to 12 month position due to increased duties Adjust full time employees one OR two steps Adjust salaries for employees on Administrator Scale between 1-2% Adjust long term substitute rate for teachers offered a full time job but must begin as a substitute from $90/$70 to $125/$100 Adjust regular sub rates with Bachelor’s degrees from $70/$90 to $75/$95 Adjust regular sub rates with Associates degree from $60 to $65 Adjust Board member salaries
Communication/Feedback/Input Updates to the budget process are posted on the website under 2017-2018 Budget Planning January 10, 2017 – Budget Update to Teacher Cabinet January 19, 2017 – Public Input Hearing on Budget Priorities and Budget Work Session – 6 p.m. January 26, 2017 – Budget Update to Support Staff Cabinet January 30, 2017 – Budget Update to Student Cabinet/Parent Cabinet
Budget Feedback To give us your feedback, please contact budgetfeedback@henry.k12.va.us or Let’s Talk