SESSION 3 Policy Framework Regional Workshop on National Strategies for Education and Training (E&T) in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety: Policy Framework and Analysis of E&T Needs 5 - 7 October 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus [Moldova] Results of the home exercise to establish a Policy Framework SESSION 3 Policy Framework Mursa Elena [National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities]
Introduction At the moment, does not established a separate document on national policy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety or special strategy in this area, but the subject is the part of the university programs of the National Strategy for Education. Was signed memorandums of understanding between the Regulatory Body and some universities from Moldova. The memorandums stipulates the opportunity of continuing training of the personnel in the field of radiation protection, physical protection of nuclear and radioactive materials, profile legislation.
Introduction (2) The Law No.132 of 08.06.2012 “On the safe conduct of nuclear and radiological activities” sets through the functions of the National Agency are: - to certify or recognise the nuclear and radiation experts by issuing the level III permits to operate; - to assess knowledge and to issue or recognise the level I and II permits to operate, issued by entities recognised by the National Agency to personnel operating in the nuclear or radiation sector and to radiation protection officers. The Government Decree “On approving the Regulation, the organizational structure and staff – limit of the National Agency” of 2015 y., stipulates that the National Agency is obligated to provide the confirmation of the personnel competence which is responsible for the safe operation of the installations; and to ensure the training of its own staff and of the staff from bodies with responsibilities in the field of nuclear and radiological activities.
Introduction (3) Currently is developed and sent to the Government for approval the National Strategy for Radioactive Waste Management, and the Strategy of non-proliferation of CBRN materials, which are scheduled to be approved by the end of 2016. The strategies include the action plans that mention to pay the attention on education in this area, and indicates who and under what conditions implements the education policy in this field. Also, is under the draft the Regulation on the issuing the practice permit for nuclear and radiological activities. This Regulation was developed by National Agency and submitted to the Government for approval.
Overview on the draft Policy document The Policy document has the sections: Background – with main radiological activities in the country, number of using ionizing radiation sources, present status and future development of the applications, and national legal and regulatory framework for education and training in radiation protection and safety; The main radiological activities in the country are focused in medicine, sciences and research, industry, radioactive waste management. Total included in the National Register information on: 5671 radioactive sources 1137 generators 1023 associated equipment 401 autorized radiological facilities REGULATORY STAFF qualified & trained in radiation protection Existing Estimated Regulatory staff required Regulatory staff to be trained Authorisation&Assessment 3 1 4 Inspection& Enforcement 5 Assessment Enforcement
Overview on the draft Policy document 2. Commitments and Obligations The regulatory body shall ensure that the authorization for medical exposures to be performed at a particular medical radiation facility allows personnel (radiological medical practitioners, medical physicists, medical radiation technologists and any other health professionals with specific duties in relation to the radiation protection of patients) to take on the responsibilities if they: (a) are specialized in the appropriate area; (b) meet the respective requirements for education, training and competence in radiation protection; (c) are named in a list maintained up to date by the registrant or licensee. The emergency management system shall provide for essential elements at the scene, and at the local, national and international level, as appropriate, including the Education and training, including training in radiation protection, of all persons involved in emergency response and exercising of emergency plans and emergency procedures; Competence of persons is assessed through mechanism of registration, accreditation or certification of medical physicists in the various specialties (e.g. diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine). Regulatory Body would need to assess the education, training and competence of any individual proposed by the licensee to act as a medical physicist and to decide, on the basis either of international accreditation standards or national standards, whether such an individual could undertake the functions of a medical physicist, within the required specialty.
Overview on the draft Policy document 3. National Strategy for Education and Training – is based on the four steps (analysis of the education and training needs, design of the national education and training programme, development and implementation of the national education and training programme, evaluation and feedback) The upgraded curriculum (programme) for university courses will be developed and agreed with participation of the National Agency. These conditions are discussed and included in the new draft of the Regulation on certification of persons associated with nuclear and radiological activities. This draft is currently being discussed by public authorities and is scheduled to be adopted by the government at the end of 2017 y.
Analysis of the education and training needs Facilities and Activities Qualified Expert (QE) Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) Workers Health Professionals (HP) (*) Existing Foreseen (< 5 yrs) Total Estimated QEs required QEs to be trained RPOs required RPOs to be trained* Workers required to be trained HPs required HPs to be trained INDUSTRIAL and RESEARCH Industrial radiography 1 - 2 3 5 Industrial irradiator facilities (industrial and research) Industrial gauges and well logging 8 10 16 4 20 Research activities: use of sealed and unsealed sources 6 15 MEDICINE Dental radiology (alone) 260 100 360 Diagnostic and interventional radiology 132 30 162 60 c. An overview of the analysis of the E&T needs
Facilities and Activities Qualified Expert (QE) Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) Workers Health Professionals (HP) (*) Type Existing Foreseen (< 5 yrs) Total Estimated QEs required QEs to be trained RPOs required RPOs to be trained* Workers required to be trained HPs required HPs to be trained c. An overview of the analysis of the E&T needs Radiotherapy and brachytherapy 2 1 3 - 4 6 Nuclear medicine OTHER Waste management facility 1 - 5 6 Veterinary radiology 2 4 Security equipment (e.g. baggage x-ray, container inspection, etc) 7 10 14
Overview on the draft Policy document 4. Relevant Stakeholders Main stakeholders are: National Agency, Medical University, State University of Moldova, State Technical University, (all relevant organisations) Key actions for Policy Framework Establish a steering committee of representatives from all the relevant key stakeholders responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the national strategy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety; Finalize development of the national strategy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety; Governmental approval of the national strategy for education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety; Organizations and institutions dealing with education and training in radiation protection and safety provide the steering committee with the information on existing capabilities, both in terms of the resources available and the appropriateness of those resources.
Overview on the draft Policy document 5. Advising and Monitoring Mechanisms For continued assessment of education and training needs The steering committee, on the basis of the information collected, assess the national education training needs The steering committee matches the identified education and training needs with the existing national capability for the provision of education and training, identifying: • The education and training needs that may be addressed using available national resources and capabilities; and • The residual education and training needs that may be addressed either by - Using available resources outside the country, and/or - Building capability (over time) within the country (e.g. train of the trainers). The steering committee designs the national education and training programme identifying what needs to be done, where and when.
Overview on the draft Policy document 5. Advising and Monitoring Mechanisms For Development and implementation of the national education and training programme Establishing, when requested by national legislation and regulations, criteria for the content and format of any education and training event to be delivered within the national education and training programme. Establishing criteria with respect to the examination procedures, particularly when the successful completion of the training confers qualification or status (for example as qualified expert or radiation protection officer) in accordance with national legislation and regulations. Establishing criteria for the recognition of training courses and/or providers, when required by national legislations and regulations. Education and training providers develop appropriate tools and material, when necessary, for the implementation of the activities outlined in the national education and training programme (course material, equipment for laboratory exercises, other facilities necessary to support the delivery of the courses). The actions are taken to meet education and training needs using regional or international resources (e.g. courses delivered in institutions outside the country). The actions might include bilateral agreements with foreign authorities of countries hosting the institutions, requests of support from international organizations to support training through fellowships (e.g. in the framework of the IAEA technical cooperation programme). Mechanisms are established to build sustainable competence over the time (e.g. through the Train of the Trainers approach)
Moving towards a National Policy/Strategy The country would decide to move towards the establishment of a national policy/strategy for education and training, to strengthen and develop the legal and regulatory framework in this field, to optimize national resources by establishing of training centres and developing of training courses with IAEA support and to comply with IAEA Safety Standards. The next steps for the establishment of the policy and strategy on education and training in radiation, transport and waste safety: Finalization of the Policy document with involvement of other relevant stakeholders Coordination the draft with the Joint inter-ministerial Working Group, for regulatory impact assessment on business activity Send the draft to coordination with the ministries and other state authorities Working with the Table of divergences (argumentation of the acceptance or rejection of the received proposals) Send the regulation draft with Table of divergences and received proposals of ministries to the Ministry of Justice for legal analysis Send the set of documents of the completed project at the State Chancellery for promotion in the Government meeting.
Conclusions After review of the Work Plan a big part of the actions was replaced to be continued in 2017 year. Especial regarding to the policy framework and education and training programmes (development and implementation). Insufficient number of specialist in the Regulatory Body, Hard cooperation with State Universities and Ministry of Education, Long procedure of coordination and approval of the drafted documents.
Thank you !