Local call for proposals: Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities (CSOLA) Europe Aid/151-731/DD/ACT/GY-SR Information session Brian Sukhai and Adel Chalmers
Organisation of the Information session Presentation Questions will be taken at the end of the presentation Clarifications to questions may be given here but they will also be published online on the EuropeAid webpage: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome
What is CSO LA? Acronym for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs). Thematic Instrument aimed at reinforcing the strategic role of CSOs and LAs in development. External Actions – supports actions in many countries outside the EU. To date the Guyana Delegation has made grant contracts totalling €11.2M under this thematic line.
Global Objective for the Call For Proposals The overarching objective is the strengthening of civil society in Guyana and Suriname and the strengthening of Local Authorities in Guyana. The programme supports in country actions aimed at promoting inclusive and empowered civil society and local authorities in partner countries.
Lots Lot 1: Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Guyana Suriname Lot 2: Local Authorities (LA)
Scope of Financing – Lot 1 - CSO The amount available is 850,000 Euros and same will be awarded through grant contracts The Country Allocation for Guyana is €425,000 and for Suriname it is €425,000 The minimum amount per grant is €300,000 The maximum amount per grant is €425,000 The grant can at maximum cover 90% (75% if the lead applicant is not a Guyanese or Surinamese organisation i.e. a European organisation or international organisation) of the eligible costs of the proposed action and at minimum cover 50% of the total eligible costs Financing is only for activities implemented in Guyana or Suriname
Scope of Financing – Lot 2 - LA The amount available is €600,000. The minimum amount per grant is €300,000. The maximum amount per grant is €600,000. The grant can at maximum cover 90% (75% if the lead applicant is not a Guyanese organisation i.e. a European organisation or international organisation) of the eligible costs of the proposed action and at minimum cover 50% of the total eligible costs Financing is only for activities implemented in Guyana
Co-Financing The balance (i.e. the difference between the total cost of the action and the amount requested from the Contracting Authority) must be financed from sources other than the EU budget or the European Development Fund.
Eligibility Criteria There are three (3) sets of eligibility criteria as follows: The Actors: The applicants submitting the application form The Actions: Actions for which a grant may be awarded The Costs: Types of cost that may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant
Eligibility Criteria for Lead Applicant/Co- Applicants/Affiliates In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant/co applicant/affiliates must: Be a legal person and Be non-profit-making and be a specific type of organization such as: non-governmental organization, public sector operator, local authority, international (inter-governmental) organization as defined by Article 43 of the Rules of application of the EU Financial Regulation and be established in a Member State of the European Union . This obligation does not apply to international organizations and be established according to the legislation in Guyana/Suriname (does not apply to organisations from EU member states and international organisations) and be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies) and Lead Applicant and Co Applicants must be able to demonstrate to have successfully implemented activities in any or all of the priority areas in the last two (2) years.
Eligibility of Actions. Duration - 24 months to 48 months Must be implemented in Guyana or Suriname Priority issues for Lot 1 are: Gender Equality, Domestic Violence, Suicide, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) and Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Priority issues for Lot 2 are: Garbage disposal (Clean cities) and/or recycling and Public Finance Management (PFM)/Transparency. Types of activity are on pages 13 of the Guidelines (but not limited to)
Eligibility of Costs Direct costs Contingency reserve Eligible indirect costs Ineligible costs Read the Guidelines attentively
Eligible Direct Costs Direct costs are those directly attributable to the activities of the grant. These include but are not limited to: the cost of staff assigned to the Action; travel and subsistence costs for staff and other persons taking part in the Action; purchase costs for equipment for the purposes of the Action; costs entailed by contracts awarded by the Beneficiary(ies) for the purposes of the Action
Eligible Indirect Cost The indirect costs for the action are those eligible costs which may not be identified as specific costs directly linked to the implementation of the Action. A fixed percentage (not exceeding 7%) of the total amount of direct eligible costs of the Action be claimed to cover indirect costs for the Action.
Contingency reserve A reserve for contingencies not exceeding 5 % of the estimated direct eligible costs may be included in the budget for the Action, to allow for adjustments necessary in the light of unforeseeable changes of circumstances on the ground.
Ineligible costs These are costs that do not meet the requirements of the conditions set out in the grant contract, and include: debts and debt service charges (interest); provisions for losses or potential future liabilities; costs declared by the beneficiary(ies) and financed by another action or work programme receiving a European Union (including through EDF) grant; purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred, in accordance with Article 7.5 of the General Conditions of the standard grant contract, at the latest at the end of the action; currency exchange losses; credit to third parties
Financial Support to Third Parties Applicants may propose financial support to third parties in order to help achieve the objectives of the action. Under the grant contract, the maximum amount of financial support per third party is €60,000. More details provided in page 12 of Guidelines
Other rules The Lead applicant may submit more than 1 application under the two lots for this Call for Proposals. The Lead applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant under each lot of this Call for Proposals. The Lead applicant may not be a co-applicant or an affiliated entity in another application at the same time. A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not submit more than 1 application(s) per lot under this Call for Proposals. A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not be awarded more than 1 grant(s) under each of the two Lots of this Call for Proposals. A co-applicant/affiliated entity may not be the lead applicant or an affiliated entity in another application at the same time.
Registration Prior registration in Potential Applicant Data On-Line Registration (PADOR) is obligatory. PADOR is an on-line database in which organizations register as potential applicants to calls. Organizations are invited to regularly update their information in PADOR. It is used to evaluate their operational and financial capacity, as well as their eligibility to participate in calls for proposals. The relevant webpage is http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/pador See page 18 of the guidelines for further information
Concept Notes Applicants must apply in English. Concept Notes and Full Applications must be submitted online via PROSPECT The elements outlined in the Concept Note may not be modified by the applicant in the full application form. Applicants must only provide an estimate of the amount of contribution requested from the Contracting Authority. Only the applicants invited to submit a full application in the second phase will be required to present a detailed budget. The EU contribution may not vary from the initial estimate by more than 20 %. Use the checklist in the grant application form to ensure that your submission is complete.
Concept Note Checklist Before sending your CONCEPT NOTE, please check that each of the criteria BELOW HAVE BEEN MET IN FULL AND TICK THEM OFF Tick the items off below Title of the Proposal: Yes No PART 1 (ADMINISTRATIVE) 1. The Instructions for the Concept Note have been followed. 2. The Declaration by the Applicant has been filled in and signed. 3. The proposal is typed and is in English. Where more than one language is allowed, the proposal is drafted in the language most commonly used by the target population in the country in which the action takes place. 4. One original and 3 copies are included. 5. An electronic version of the concept note (CD-Rom) is enclosed. PART 2 (ELIGIBILITY) 6. The action will be implemented in an eligible country i.e. Guyana or Suriname 7. The duration of the action is between 24 months and 48 months (the minimum and maximum allowed). 8. The requested contribution is between the minimum and maximum allowed. 9. This Checklist and the Declaration by the Applicant have been filled in and sent with the Concept Note.
More information Concept Note guidance, full application form and guidelines can be found at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1433166643667&do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&aofr=136904&orderby=upd&orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&userlanguage=en It is important to regularly consult this page for updates, as the any modification to the process, or answers to FAQs would be published there. Reference: Europe Aid/151-731/DD/ACT/GY-SR Questions can be sent to: DELEGATION-GUYANA-NSA-LA@eeas.europa.eu
Important Deadlines Requests for clarifications: by 07 July 2016. Questions should be sent to :DELEGATION-GUYANA-NSA-LA@eeas.europa.eu Responses by Delegation to requests for clarifications: by 15 July 2016. Answers provided at:https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome Submission of Concept Notes: 28 July 2016
Thank You