PREPARING FOR A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION STEUBEN COUNTY Vicky Olin, Rep Commissioner Kelly Penziul, Dem Commissioner SCHENECTADY COUNTY Darlene Harris, Rep Commissioner Amy Hild, Dem Commissioner
Things to be prepared for Increase in Voter Registration Increase in Phone Calls Increase in Absentee Voter Applications Increase in DMV Registrations Local Registration Extended hours for absentee voting Do you need more inspectors? Do you need extra office staff? Did I say increase in phone calls? Shaking your head at least 5 times a day If it hasn’t already started then it will!
Do You Have ENOUGH SUPPLIES 3 part Envelopes for Military & Over Seas Ballots 3 part Envelopes for Absentee Voters Labels for Absentee Envelopes Seals for Machines Inspectors Pens / Markers Privacy Booths Affidavit Envelopes Also other poll bag supplies such as: Note pads, I voted stickers, Tabs for poll books, Notice to Voters, Privacy folders, booth lights and batteries, etc...
We use this as a guide line to keep track of what has to be completed We use this as a guide line to keep track of what has to be completed. It will get crazy!!
Dealing with the Public Common Phone Calls Received Party Affiliation (During a Primary) “I’ve been registered and vote every year. How come I’m not in the Poll Book?” Inactive Status (Usually Due to Mail Check or NCOA) “I moved a year ago. What do you mean I have to send in a new registration form?” Registration “I moved into the County 2 years ago. I thought my registration transferred?” “Where do I go to vote?” “Who’s on the Ballot?" Smile before picking up your phone. It helps keep you calm. Hopefully if you do some of the following it will help cut down the number of phone calls.
What you can find on our website!! Register to Vote Military/Overseas Voters Absentee Voting Forms Current Offices up for Election Changing Your Party April 1st Enrollment Totals Running for Office Caucus Contact Information Election Inspectors Party Information Ballots Where to Vote Freedom of Information Political Calendar District Maps Employment Opportunities Inform your Voters on how and where to find information on your site
Use Social Media Facebook & Twitter Office Hours Deadlines Website Link Ballots General Information about Registration, Absentee Voting Post where ever and when ever you can If you have a County PIO, ask them for assistance with Press Releases
Run Ads about specific dates and times!! GETTING THE WORD OUT Inform the Public Run Ads about specific dates and times!! Voters want to know what is going on! This is just one thing we do that helps to inform the voters. Run as a Space Ad (public service)
Training the Inspectors If you haven’t already * Determine training method * Review inspector surveys * Review problems from last election * Hands on with machine * Hands on with paperwork * Top 10 head shakers We always sit down and discuss what errors happened in the previous election to see what we need to work on the most during class. We have copies of the training manual and presentation available for anyone who would like a copy.
Poll Sites Mail Poll Site Info Sheet to all Poll Sites to verify contact information before every election We also call each contact person the Friday before to remind them Keep and Excel spreadsheet or access database with all Poll site information so you can mail merge it into a letter. Things to remember: Daylight Savings time, asking that automatic timers or thermostats be changed, updated emergency contact info, etc.
Town / City Clerks Send notices to Town / City Clerks It is a good idea to keep the clerks informed Let them know when the ballots have been posted on your web site. Extended Hours for Absentee Voting Cut off Dates for Registration Local Registration Dates Let them know what they can find on your website We also supply registration forms at all Public offices, libraries and senior centers. Any colleges in your County? You can post there, too.
Machine Delivery Double Check everything Do you use a moving company? Do you rent trucks from U-Haul, Enterprise, ? Do you use county employees to help deliver? Double Check with every company or department to make sure everything has been taken care of. Nothing like finding out last minute that someone forgot to reserve trucks, or the personnel to drive them. Contact teams early to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts. Each type of poll site may have a different type of possible conflict. Schools,
to the computer system before/or during an elections! Communicate with your IT Department! Make sure your IT Department or any outside vendor your county uses, DOES NOT do any updates to the computer system before/or during an elections! Very important to Communicate!!! If your site is down on election day, you are going to have problems. Make sure the links to your web page are also up and running with the current info. Poll Site, Voter Registration, etc.
Day of Delivery 4 - 26’ Trucks 7:30am Load and Go! Clipboards for each truck have Poll Site contact info, HAVA supply list & Keys 4 - 26’ Trucks 7:30am Load and Go! This form is also a mail merge document. Make last minute changes and print the list for the machines and supplies delivery.