On the construction of an electronic stethoscope with real-time heart sound de-noising feature Student: Nopadon Maneetien (孟成彥) Advisors: Chi-Jo Wang & Chun-Tang Chao Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Outline Introduction Heart sound becomes noise Heart sound noise reduction methods Filter selection and proposed system Conclusions
Introduction Electronic stethoscope becomes popular. In the past, developed focus on background noise reduction and telecommunication capabilities. Lung sound separation becomes an topic of interests.
Heart sound becomes noise Heart sound frequency range: 20-100 Hz Lung sound frequency range: 60~100- 2kHz Abnormal lung sound <100 Hz-1kHz
Spectral intensity of heart sound Intensity(dyn/cm2) Frequency (HZ)
Heart sound noise reduction methods Passive high pass filter Adaptive filter Adaptive line enhancer High order statistic + adaptive filter Wavelet transformation ICA (Independent Component Analysis) BSS (Blind Source Separation)
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.
Adaptive Line Enhancer : ALE - Fig. 2. Adaptive line enhancer structure.
ALE implementation block Fig. 3. Adaptive line enhancer in hardware implementation blocks.
DE2-70 Board block diagram Why we use FPGA ? Fig. 4. DE2-70 Development board block diagram and peripheral devices.
Audio CODEC circuit Fig. 5. Audio CODEC schematic diagram.
Pre-amplifier and anti-aliasing circuit Fig. 6. Pre-amplifier and the anti-aliasing circuit.
Experiment result (1) 2 types of signal are use in this experiment, heart sound mixed with wheezing breath sound and heart sound mixed with crackles. We pass the mixed sound to a preliminary construction of the proposed setup and record the output. The outputs are then displayed against the original abnormal breath sound signal. The results are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The proposed setup clearly attenuated the heart sound noise.
Experiment result (2) Fig. 7. Heart sound mixed with breath sound and wheezes.
Experiment result (3) Fig. 8. Heart sound mixed with breath sound and crackles.
Conclusions This paper elucidates the system design, selected methodology and devices of the construction of the proposed electronic stethoscope with heart sound noise reduction feature. This setup shall be the most useful in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. We selected adaptive line enhancer and FPGA-based platform. The experiment results show the proposed setup is promising.
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