June 2013 Updates: Wild Fun Together
Alma can now brush her hair well, so I tried to get Hahgoot motivated to do the same... Didn’t really work...
The girls made a “body parts” swap shop for Mr Potato... A funny game that encourages communication and cooperation, while allowing Hahgoot to line up objects and sort them, which is part of her stimming.
The girls enjoyed a wild game of “witches wars” (they “throw” imaginative spells at each other...)
Plenty of crawling, crashing, climbing and rolling with Floortime fun together!
Floortime is a fantastic framework to enhance connectivity and closeness in a playful way – with lots of heavy work!
The girls had wild giggles while conducting “knight battles” in full gear...
The girls enjoyed more “Maisy project book” art activities: they made masks
And after they finished their expressive masks they went off to do dialogues and stories – more communication practice!
They worked hard on patterned paper lanterns
Hahgoot suggested that we keep them to hang at Alma’s 3rd birthday party (in two months)
A family outing on the weekend: Shopping, library visit and lunch at Penrith’s large Westfield
We had a pleasant afternoon tea at “The Coffee Club” with our friends Moshe and Alison. Hahgoot enjoyed the indoors and the pancakes, while Alma loved the outdoors paddock...
Run, Alma, run!
Amazing what I can experiment with if I have three free hours... Evidence that my family actually enjoys eating oven dried Kale as a snack (a cousin of the lettuce) Amazing what I can experiment with if I have three free hours...
In our next presentation: The Bertwistle ladies enjoy “Story” exhibition with us!