“Where to put the Poop” Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan limits most housing growth to Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) within the cities, mostly Bellingham County population expected to grow significantly over 25 years Popular place to live: children like to stay, others move here. Restrictions in County housing development mean greater future demand for housing in cities such as Bellingham. More housing and people means more demand for services, including sewage disposal. At some point, current systems capacity and treatment facility in Fairhaven will be overwhelmed.
What Are the Options for Poop Disposal? Throw it in the street to get washed down the storm drains Individual septic systems Backyard outhouses Composting toilets Ship it elsewhere (China???) Pipe sewage into Bellingham Bay Central sewer system and treatment facility Which options are environmentally acceptable? What options are feasible for urban setting?
Where to put New Sewage Treatment Facility? Assume the current facility cannot be expanded. New facility must be within city limits OR close enough for sewage line connections AND agreement by other jurisdiction. What other requirements? Who will care about location and why?
Treatment Facility Location Concerns Smell downwind 25% reduction in downwind housing property values Impact on business Noise and sight concerns? Displacement of current property owners, possibly housing and businesses. May not want to leave or might dispute offer of compensation. Cost to acquire property rights for the city of Bellingham Is the cost different depending on location? How will City deal with these concerns? What processes?
City Political Processes Likely City Council hearings and eventual decision Will any given city council district want the facility? Groups mobilize to lobby council persons Business association? Home owners associations? Others? Wanting to save money, where will the City look for land? Socio-economic status of home and business owners on cheaper land? Environmental justice issues? How will this play out in political process?