Unit 5, Section 5 WATERGATE June 17, 1972 I. A "third rate burglary" A. The Break In 1. 5 men were arrested for breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee. 2. Nothing was made of it at first. a. George McGovern tried to use it but no one cared.
B. The Investigation 1. The burglars were planting bugs. 2. They all had connections to the government. 3. 1 was in charge of security for CREEP (the Committee for the re-election of the president) 4. They had connections to the White House staff. 5. The Washington Post (Woodward and Bernstein) and the F.B.I. began investigating. 6. Nixon's staff was up to "dirty tricks". 7. The burglars were given "hush money".
8. Nixon approved the Huston Plan and the PlumbersUnit. a. The government could spy on the public by opening mail, planting bugs, etc. b. Set up to stop leaks in the White House. 9. An "enemies list" was put together. C. The Cover Up 1. Nixon tried to use Executive Privilege to protect himself. 2. He was finally forced to turn over his tapes. a. Parts were erased (just after the break in). 3. Impeachment was recommended.
II. Complex Origin A. Nixon thought that his office entitled him to do basically anything he wanted whether legal or not!! B. Some say it was the fault of the election process. III. Reforms A. Federal Election Campaign Act - 1974 B. Congress now has its own intelligence committees to check on the F.B.I. and C.I.A.